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It's been just about ten years since the release of Super Smash Brothers for Wii U and 3Ds. And today, July XX, 20XX, was the date of reunion.

Everyone from all the different houses reunited at Master Mansion, for a night of reliving memories and nostalgia.

Many had still remained friends, including a certain group that often caused trouble.

"Oh my word, I cannot," Palutena squealed. She touched the belly of her friend, a blonde with now shoulder length hair.

"You're having a baby!" Lucina yelled. People around them gave them weird glances, but ignored them regardless.

Samus shushed them down. "Shush! I don't want to whole neighborhood to know, thank you very much."

"Sam you're eight months, it's obvious."

"Well yeah, I know that but-"

"Where's the papa?"

Samus chuckled at that. "Oh, getting some chicken."


"I want chocolate."

"Roy, later."

"But chocolate!"


"But I want chocolate!"

"Oh my, fine, you can get chocolate."

"Yay! Thanks daddy!"

Marth smiled as he watched him run to the food table, his short legs being quite useful to sneak around people. Then he felt a tap on his shoulder, so he turned and was met by the familiar eyes of the red headed man.

"Marth," he said.

"Yes, Roy?"

"Did... did you really name your kid after me?"


"So you do care about me?!"


Roy smiled and wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulder.

"Aw, buddy, I care about you too!"

"Whatever, you've grown quite a bit since the last time I saw you."

"...Marth that was three years ago."

"It's still a long time!"


"Oh shush! By the way, where's Shulk?"

"Giving birth."

Marth stared at him blankly. Roy face palmed and put his arms to his right side, moved them up and down, and moved them in small circles around the middle. Marth blinked and then the realization hit.

"Oh! Fiora!" Marth gasped.

Roy sighed. "Yeah, her water broke this morning. He told me to tell you all that he was sorry he couldn't come."

"Who couldn't come?" The two turned and grinned when they saw their chicken-loving friend.

"Ike! My man, been a while," Roy said shook his hand. "I see you've been growing a beard, huh."

"Sure, it hasn't really worked though, all I can do is grow stubble," Ike grinned.

"You're gonna be a dad now! Congrats man! And good luck," Marth patted his shoulder.

"Thanks. Say, aren't you taking care of a child?" Ike smirked. Marth gasped, his hands cupping his own face. He ran off, shouting his child's name repeatedly. Roy and Ike laughed and continued talking.

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