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You guys ready?

After the last chapter, judging by the response, you guys really hate Link

Told ya

This is a very short chapter, just saying

-Em :)


Link's POV

What the hell?

I can't move.

I'm not breathing, something is pushing air down my throat.

And goddammit why does my stomach hurt so much?

What happened?

I heard a small creak then, like that of a door. Then a small gasp.

"Link," said an angelic voice. I felt myself twitch a little, but still unable to move.


I know that voice.


Dammit. Zelda. All of a sudden, things start coming back to me.

The water park.

Our conversation.

The almost kiss.

And me getting... stabbed.

I focus on that second to last.

The kiss.

That shouldn't have happened. I never should've. I'm not worthy of someone like her. She shouldn't have someone like me as her partner. She's too great. She's too amazing for someone like me. I can't let her fall in love with me. I'm not worthy.

She deserves someone better. Someone who will make her happier than me. Someone who will be able to provide for her. Someone...

Who isn't me.

It's gonna break my heart, but it's worth it.

To see her happy in her future.

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