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Marth got up from his bed, after crying and contemplating life for a few minutes. He walked to his closet and grabbed a sweater and some jeans. It was starting to get cold, finally. The heat was getting unbearable. He took a quick showered and styled his hair to perfection, slightly swiping his bangs to one side. He put on his tiara, ahem, crown, and smiled, satisfied with his looks. 

He walked downstairs and took his seat in the counter. Zelda passed him his breakfast and milk then went on to give everyone a cinnamon roll. He ate and drank quickly and was about to go to the living room, until he realized Roy and Pit were there, arguing about what show to watch. He decided best to go to the sunroom.

"Marth! Before you go, could you get the mail, please?" Lucina asked. He groaned quietly but nodded. He walked out the door and down the path to their mailbox. He opened it and took out the many letters in there. How long has it been since we last checked it? He thought. He sighed and looked through them.

"Bill, bill, membership, magazine," He mumbled, tossing them aside as he read them. Then he came across a larger letter with a red sword wax seal. He put the other things back in the mailbox and walked back to the house. He ignored Roy and Pit and sat on the couch, still looking at the letter.

"Yo, the adults are in the sunroom," Roy said while pulling Pit's ear. Marth looked up at them then back at the letter, and walked away. He opened the door to the sunroom, waving at all of them while sitting down.

"What's that?" Peach asked.

"A letter," Samus said.

"I know it's a letter! But what's it about?"

"I don't know, I haven't opened it yet," Marth said.

"Well what are you waiting for? Open it!" Palutena said. Marth nodded and carefully opened it so the wax seal didn't break. He unfolded it and began to read it out loud.

"Altea would like to invite Prince Marth and his friends to the End of Summer Festival Masquerade, taking place this evening, please RSVP by five in the afternoon. It will begin at eight and end at midnight," Marth finished. "Altea has a whole week celebrating the end of summer and the beginning of fall! Holy crap I can't believe I forgot, and I'm the prince! I'm really dumb."

"You just realized," Ike smirked.

"Shut up Ike you forgot too," Marth glared.

"Hyrule has a similar celebration, except it's end of winter and the start of spring, when most Silent Princesses bloom," Zelda said quietly.

"A masquerade?! That sounds exiting!" Peach grinned. "C'mon! We have to get ready, we need tog get dresses, and our hair done! And make up! Oh this will be fun!"

"Dress? Not excited about that part," Samus said, crossing her arms.

"Someone needs to learn how to be more of a girl," Palutena mumbled.

"Oh shut up you're gonna wear one like it or not," Peach said.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go to the mall!" Lucina smiled.

"I'll drive," Ike said.

"I'll get Pit and Roy," Shulk groaned. "Speaking of, how are we gonna get them in a tux?"

"I'm not too fond of the idea of wearing a tux either," Link said.

"Too bad, because you're wearing one," Robin shrugged. Link groaned and walked to the door, the other following close behind. Lucina put Snowy in his cage while Shulk dragged Roy and Pit to the truck.

"Alright, when we get to the mall, you guys will go buy yours tuxes, while us ladies go buy our dresses, okay?" Peach said as they drove there.

"Wait, we need you girls' advice! We don't have a sense of fashion," Robin said.

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