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Shit's about to get real




Three months had come and gone since Link awoke from his coma. Since Zelda stopped talking. Since she stopped showing any emotion at all. The house is still, mostly the same though.

The only time it's not, is when Link and Zelda are in the same room.

Everything gets quiet. Everyone stops what they're doing. And looks away from them. And when they're gone, or only one of them stays, it's back to normal. Everyone noticed it. Something wasn't right between the two. No one really did anything though, hoping they would solve it on their own.

It didn't happen.

Zelda knows Link was lying though. The house didn't think of her the same way he did. That she was an emotionless bitch. She found out when Robin found her, her wrists slit open and her near death. If it weren't thanks to him, and his odd knowledge of how to handle the situation, she might not have been there. Zelda made him swear that he wouldn't tell anyone else. Marth and Samus arrived a little after, so Zelda has to explain to them what happened, what Link had said, and how Robin told her the truth. Samus was about to head back out and murder Link.

That wasn't the last time it happened though. Zelda has had multiple mental breakdowns since then, and each time it ends with a few lines added to her arms.

She hasn't tried talking to Link, and he hasn't tried talking to her. And that really tore her apart. The only thing that really distracted her from that, was, as weird as it may sound, training Snowy to attack.

The two were outside. It had snowed recently, so Zelda used that to her advantage and used the snow to make a dummy for Snowy to attack. He was resting in her shoulder, preparing himself a little. They had gained trust. And Zelda was honestly starting to trust him more than herself.

Alright, let's start of easy with talons. She nudged her shoulder a bit, which got Snowy up in the air quickly. She then raised up a finger, and Snowy launched himself at the dummy, his talons going straight into its eyes. Snowy then took his talons out of its "eyes" and scratched it a bunch of times before returning to Zelda's shoulder. She handed him a worm and patted his head. She then raised her pinky and index finger and her thumb on her right hand. Snowy flew up high in the sky and launched three feathers from each wing, which Zelda quickly enchanted so they were hard as diamonds. They stabbed all across the dummy's chest. An attack like that would guarantee in death. She held up the same fingers but on her left hand. Snowy flew up high again, and then came rocketing down on the dummy. His beak was supposed to touch its nose, breaking it, but instead he went to low and hit the dummy's chest. Snowy crashed down to the ground, and then quickly stood up, all covered in snow. Zelda quickly ran over to him and wiped some snow from his head.

"What are you doing?"

Zelda turned her head to the sunroom, only to find Link standing there. His stare was cold, and filled with nothingness. Zelda didn't react on the outside, but on the inside, she was dying.

"Are you trying to train Snowy to attack?" He asked. "How stupid."

Zelda wiped off the last bit of snow off Snowy, and he flew up to her shoulder. She stood up and kicked the dummy out of existence. She walked back to the sunroom, walking past Link and intentionally bumping into his shoulder.

Link stayed looking at her as she disappeared into the house, then he looked down.

He missed her.

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