The Star Festival

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It was the night of the star festival, and everyone was setting up blankets on the hills of Isle Delfino. The squad distanced themselves from Link and Zelda a little, as according to Marth and Palutena's plan. Link was a little confused as to why they distanced themselves, while Zelda had a small idea as of why. Link shrugged it off and looked up at the night sky. He could faintly  see the galaxy, and the sky was dotted with millions of stars.

"I wonder when the shower is gonna start," Link said.

"Soon enough, I'm sure," Zelda said. They looked up at the sky, Link focusing a lot more. He saw something bright go by.

"Look! One just passed!" He grinned, wrapping his arm around Zelda's shoulder. Soon more and more stars rained down from the sky, even some Star Bits.

"We can eat these, Peach told me," Zelda said as she grabbed two Star Bits that fell beside them. She gave the green one to Link while she took the purple one.

"Really? Oh that's cool!" Link smiled and bit into it. He smiled widely as the sweet flavor hit his tongue. "Oh it's so sweet! These are really good."

"Really," Zelda said. She took a small bite of the candy. "It is very good."

"Yeah," Link said. He looked back up at the sky and gasped. "Look! A star is coming towards us! We should probably run."

"No need," Zelda said. She extended her right hand, and her Triforce started to glow as her hand glowed purple. All of a sudden, it seemed like the start was in Zelda's control. Whenever she moved her hand, the star moved the same direction. When she moved her hand back, the star moved towards them and landed on Zelda's lap. It shined bright, illuminating everything around them.

"Woah, it has eyes," Link said and poked one of the eyes. It moved a little.

"Don't just poke it's eye," Zelda scolded.

"Sorry star!" Link said. He took off his beanie and scratched the back of his head. "I've always wanted to see a star close up. I didn't expect it to be like this, but this is still really nice." He put his hand gently on Zelda's as they looked at each other. "Thank you Zelda, for this opportunity."

For the first time, Zelda felt herself blush. Her eyes slightly widen as she covered her mouth with the hand Link was holding. He noticed the sudden change in her and quickly apologized.

"Sorry, I need to go," Zelda said and quickly ran off. Link tried to reach for her but she ran away too fast. He looked down and noticed she left the star behind. He took it and hugged it close to him. He looked back up at the sky and stayed the rest of the night, but it wasn't the same without Zelda.

Meanwhile, Marth and Palutena were closely spying on them. They cheered when they held hands, but grunted when Zelda ran away.

"Dammit! Plan: Failure," Palutena shook her head.

"It wasn't completely a failure though, Zel showed a little emotion!" Marth smirked.

"True! She blushed and her eyes widened! He got her to show emotion, they're a match made in heaven," Palutena squealed.

"We're one step closer to getting them all together!" Marth said and extended his fist.

Palutena bumped it with hers. "Aye sir!"


Zelda looked at herself in the mirror, she was panting heavily. She put her head in her hands while still looking at herself. She slapped herself for her foolishness. 

"You idiot, don't show emotion!" Zelda nearly yelled at her reflection. She started to get flashbacks to that day, that catastrophic day. The day she decided she wouldn't show emotion, the day she promised not to. 

She shed a tear as she remembered the fire, the blood, and her parents. Her parents, the ones she promised she would be emotionless to. She remembered as that cursed spear went through the both of them at once. She remembered the smirk on that damned Yiga's face. She remembered seeing them fall to the ground. She remembered a bright light and she closing her eyes, and when she opened them, the Yiga was in the ground, dead.

She remembered it all being her fault. It was all her fault that they found them in the save chamber. If only she hadn't cried loudly, if only she hadn't screamed whenever she heard a noise. If she hadn't done any of that, then maybe they would still be with her.

"Stop it, stop crying," Zelda chocked out, wiping away her tears. She heard the main door open and quickly shut the bathroom door, which she had opened since she wasn't expecting them to come so soon.

"Zel? You okay? I saw you run off I thought something was wrong?" She heard Samus ask.

She took a deep breath to calm herself and answered. "I'm okay, sorry if I worried you. Why did you come back so early?" She was lucky her voice didn't crack at all during that.

"Well first because I was worried about you," Samus chuckled. "And also it got kinda boring and I'm tired, I need a nap." She heard her dress into her pjs and jump on the bed. She made sure her eyes weren't puffy and quickly took off her make up. She walked out and got her pjs as well. She went back in, changed, walked out, and laid back on the bed. She grabbed her phone and saw she had messages. From Link. She nearly frowned, but remembered, be emotionless.


L: Hey Zel

L: Sorry if I did something wrong, I might have gone over the limit

Z: No, I'm sorry

Z: I shouldn't have just ran off like that

L: No don't blame yourself! I'm the dumb one remember?

Z: In that case, I guess we're both dumb

L: You are not

L: You're like, the smartest person out of us!

Z: Well, thank you, but how's this? Let's just say we both made mistakes and leave it that

L: Sounds good! I'm going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow

Z: Good night, have sweet dreams

She felt arms wrap around her waist. She turned around only to hear slight snoring coming from Samus, who was right up against her back. She sighed and put her phone down. She turned around to face Samus and pulled the blanket over both of them. She hugged her as well since she knew at some point Samus would make her unconsciously. She was that type of person who likes to be hugged while sleeping, but when conscious, only if you were a close friend. So, it's not weird because they are close friends.

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