TP, OH Short: Summer Work

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Roy was laying around, being lazy and using his phone playing some online game. Forfnite was it called? He was about to get a kill when someone just had to come in his room and interrupt. And that someone was Marth. Roy groaned but continued playing.


"What, mom?"

"The hell did you just call me?"

"Nothing, what do want?"

"You're an ass, but did you do your summer work for school?"

"I'll do it later."

"Roy, it's the end of August."

"Psh, so?"

"What do you mean 'so'?! School starts next week!"

"It's not like they'll check it, it's an online school and this my senior year, they won't care!"

"School doesn't work that way, Roy."

"Okay Marth, I'll go do it! Sheesh, you're annoying."

"You asshole, you better not procrastinate and leave it all until the last day."

"Uh-huh, whatever."

Literally the day before school starts~





The two swordsmen turned to the goddess herself, Zelda (thought it was Palutena, didn't you?). She had that classic emotionless expression with a hint of annoyance.

"Look, it was your own fault that you didn't do it earlier, but let us help, you're gonna have to stay up the whole night though," she said.

"Anything! Please just help me!"

"Alright, Robin!" She called. "We need to help Roy study."

"I'm a little busy right now," they heard Robin say. The trio glanced at each other, then back to where Robin's voice came from.

"Busy doing what?" Marth asked.

"Busy doing none of your business!"

"Well sheesh someone's not in a good mood," Marth said.

"Okay whatever, just help please!" Roy begged.

"Of course, let's get down to business then."

Three hours later~

"No, Roy, the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are different! And they have different cultures, and are in different places!" Zelda sighed.

"But they're all in Europe right?" Roy asked with a hopeful tone.

"No, Roy, just... no. They are in Asia, the flags are different, and there's two Koreas! North Korea and South Korea! And they are very different."

"Ugh, I hate high school! Why they gotta make me memorize the whole entirety of Asia?! And the cultures of each country?!"

"Roy that was kind of offensive."

"I speak Japanese, I can say whatever I want."

"Tell that to the internet. Wait you speak Japanese?!"

"Well I don't mean any offense! And yes, I do."

"Shouldn't you know the culture then?! Actually, what am I talking about, you don't even know what America is."

"Hey! I can learn! Please, just teach me, I don't have that much time left."

"Fine, fine, you don't have anything to read right?"

"Nope, just this."

"Good, that may make things easier. Not. Now, back to learning about Asia."

So they kept studying the entire night, up until it was time to take the test. Zelda had taken all the papers and globes away so he wouldn't cheat. Roy was way to tired to even care, so he logged onto his computer and opened up his school app. He clicked on his class, and nearly cheered when he saw the test was canceled for reasons. He ran downstairs and told Zelda the news.

That was the day he was almost cut into pieces and burned alive.

A/N: I may or may not be relating to Roy right now. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Now, if you'll excuse me, I am not going to read the entirety of a book because I forgot. Bye bye!

-Em :)

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