TP, OH Special: A Christmas Carol pt 1

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Honestly last chapter was my fav chapter so far

Now for some holiday cheer!


And also suspense

Kay bye bye

-Em :)

PS: there's gonna be more specials until the next chapter of the plot for extra suspense. Also! The original story is by Charles Dickens, but I'm using the Disney one (the one with the duck) as a ref of sorts.


"Hey guys."

"Yes Roy?"

"We should do something for Christmas."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and glared at Roy. All around them were props and costumes, and presents and candies. And just a lot of other cool stuff.

"Yeah, Roy, even with all this Christmas things, I also think we should do shit for Christmas," Marth sneered.

Palutena smacked him hard on the face. "Language! There's children around us!"

"You know that's not what I meant! I mean something like us twelve, only, you know? Don't get me wrong, I think it's awesome we're doing this play for orphans, but I kinda wanna do something between the fam, aka us."

"Aw, Roy that's very sweet of you," Peach smiled. "And don't worry, we already have somethings planned out, like a Christmas party! Daisy will be there too." She gave him a little wink as his whole face turned red.

"Good job, dumbass, you ruined the surprise!" Marth groaned.

"What is your problem? Why have you been so grumpy lately?" Link asked.

"I don't like plays."

Practically everyone gasped dramatically.

"What?! Out of all of us, I expected you to love them!" Palutena said.

"I don't know, I don't like 'em, I like musicals though, some of them anyway," Marth shrugged.


"I kinda like Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen is great, Heathers is eh, same with Be More Chill, Les Miserables is fucking gr-"

"The kids are outside," Zelda said as she peaked out the curtain.

"Wait what? We're not ready though," Link said and peaked out the window to make sure it wasn't bad eyesight. Nope there were definitely kids there.

"Oops, probably should've warned you guys that the kids were coming over a little earlier so we could meet them, and even play with them," Palutena said.

"But we have to get ready!" Marth protested.

"Stop being such a Grinch! Come on! We'll give them their presents after the play, now let's go play with some kids," Palutena smiled and walked out the curtains. The others simply groaned and followed after her.

There were a surprising lot of children outside, and that made them very depressed. Seeing so many adorable children without parents, or parents who abandoned them, or who didn't want them, it just kinda made them want to cry.

"Can we adopt them?" Peach whispered to Marth.

"We don't have enough space, otherwise yes," he whispered back.

"I'll fit them in my castle."

"That sounds wrong."

"What? How?"

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