so it begins

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A/N: ... hey

I like Hamilton... so there you go

Kay bye bye

Also sorry for being gone for so long

Double also this is the "sequel" to the last

Triple also long chapter cause y'all deserve it for being so patient, love you all muah muah



"What did I miss? What did I miss?" Palutena asked as she came back with bags of Chinese food in her hands.

"I though we were done with the musical references," Marth muttered, his whole face completely red.

"First of all, unintentional reference, second, we will never be done with musical references, and third, seriously what did I miss?" Palutena asked.

The group looked at each other then they looked back at Palutena, clearly somewhat embarrassed.

"And what the heck happened to the park?!" She screamed. She looked around her and the whole park was, well, on fire.

"It's  Roy's fault!" Marth said, pointing to the red head.

"Snitch," Roy coughed.

"Bitch," Marth coughed back.

"You wanna go?!"

"Jake Paul wanna be."

"That's it, you going down motherfu-!"

"Don't," Zelda glared. That was enough to stop them. She was surprisingly calm for all that was going on around them.

"I was gone to get some food for everyone, and I come back to the whole park on fire?! What the hell is wrong with you people?!" Palutena yelled.

"Ey, ey, ey! Before you start yelling, let us explain," Samus said. "Link and Zelda you start. With your cute little moment you had."

"Wait what?" Link said. "You guys know about that?!"

"Of course we do! You think we don't spy on you?" Marth said.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Link said.

"We had nothing to do with the destruction of the park," Zelda said.

"Maybe not, but your story is still adorable," Peach said.

"Um, I'm not sure-"


*Twenty minutes earlier (rip Stephen Hillenburg)*

Link and Zelda were over by the flowrider. You know those things they have at some water parks where it's like, you'reon a surf board and there's water there so it seems like you're actually surfing? Yeah those things. It was their turn to get on, so they grabbed to surfboards and waited for the water to start.

"I bet I'm gonna last longer," Link said.

"Keep dreaming," Zelda said. "If I can walk and run in heels, I can do this."

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