Swinging in the Flowers

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The night went on, quicker than expected. The group danced the night away, taking very small breaks for drinks and snacks before returning to the dance floor. Even Roy and Shulk got to dance with some random ladies, or they would dance with each other and snicker when people gave them odd glances.

Marth sighed as he tipped Peach as the song ended. He bowed while she curtsied and then got back to dancing when the next song started. Thankfully, it was time for the small surprise he had planned when they got to the castle. Also thankfully, the group of friends were dancing near each other, so it would be easy to communicate.

"You know, it's really crowdy in here, there's barely any space to dance," He said.

"Now that you mention it, I do feel a little claustrophobic," Roy said as he spun Shulk around.

"I'm still surprised you know the meaning of that," Ike said. Samus laughed and slightly punched his shoulder.

"C'mon, he's not that dumb!"

"Thank you Samus!"

"But I mean you are the dumbest one here."

"Oh gee thanks."

"Anyway," Marth continued. "How about we go out to a little place for ourselves?"

"What are you suggesting?" Robin asked.

"Just follow me, but keep dancing, it'll just make it a lot more fun," Marth smiled and started dancing away with Peach to the door. The others looked at each other and shrugged their suspicion off, following close behind the two.

They reached the ballroom doors, and the guards opened the door to them. Once everyone was out, they closed the door, but they could hear the music still, even though it was muffled. They danced down a large hall and up a small flight of stairs. Then they reached two large double doors with no guards guarding it. Marth knocked on one of the doors twice, and soon they opened, revealing a beautiful garden with bushes or roses and willows. 

"Whoa! Pretty!" Peach gasped. Marth lead her in, and she noticed a small group of musicians sitting slightly further away from them. When they noticed them there, they started playing a soft tune.

"Man, I always liked this place," Roy said. He was still dancing with Shulk until they were both snatched away from each other. Roy was slightly stunned, but then focused on the person who took him away. His eyes widened and he felt a small blush creeping up his cheeks.

"D-Daisy?" Roy asked.

"Fiora?!" Shulk yelled.

"Marth was kind enough to invite us," Fiora smiled. She wore a white tulle dress that reached her ankles. Her mask was white with a white flower on the side.

"Yeah! Thanks dude!" Daisy grinned. Her dress was similar to Peach's, except it had less layers. Her mask was orange in the shape of two, well, Daisy's.

"No problem! Glad you could come," Marth said. Everyone was dancing around in a circle formation underneath a large round gazebo in the middle of the garden.

"Ah, this is some much better than dancing in that large crowd, it was starting to smell like sweat too," Palutena laughed. The others laughed as well, agreeing with their friend.

"In the next three measures, we switch partners, so you ladies will spin to the middle, then go to a different partner, while we guys rotate each time, and at the end, we should end up with our original partner by the time the song is over," Marth said. "Does that make sense? I hope it did."

"Yes, so, now?" Link asked. Marth nodded and spun Peach to the middle letting go of her hand, as did the other guys.

"Why, hello, partner," Ike winked jokingly.

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