Meanwhile, In Another Castle

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A/N: Hey! Sorry, this is a short chapter, but we'll be taking a look at the guys today! Enjoy!

-Em :)







"If by that you mean a candlestick, then check."

"Alright boys, let's escape this castle!"


"What are you idiots doing?" The boys jumped yelled and jumped back, away from their escape window. Bowser stood in front of them, looking at them menacingly.

"Uh, we were just admiring the view, yes, that's what we were doing!" Ike smiled awkwardly. Bowser glared at them.

"If you keep trying to escape, I'm gonna have to lock you up in a cell, individual cells, and take away everything from you, food included," Bowser said. "Actually I would've already if I wasn't doing this for Peach, who, speaking of, is pretty near."

"Wait so your saying we're gonna get saved soon?" Pit asked.

"Yes, yes, now will you please stop-"

"All of you shut up! I'm trying to watch this telenovela," Marth yelled, and drove his attention back to the TV. The others sighed. "Juan Pablo is about to tell Estella the truth about her father!"

"This guy," Bowser groaned. "I hate him the most."

"He's even adapted a fake Spanish accent," Ike said.

"This dress is getting uncomfortable, got another change of clothes by any chance?" Shulk asked.

"From what I understand, you get the full experience, so, no," Bowser said. "Now sleep, you're being rescued tomorrow." He walked to the door and slammed it shut behind him. 

The guys sighed and huddled up next to Marth on the couch. Link grabbed a bucket of popcorn to pass it around. They stayed there until the show ended. After that, they walked to their beds, bored.

"I can't believe they killed Carmen!" Marth gasped.

"Really? It was so obvious that would happen!" Roy said. "And stop with the fake accent, it's racist."

"How is it- nevermind, let's just sleep and forget all about this," Robin said and threw a blanket over himself.

"I can't wait to get out of here. How long has it been, a week?" Roy asked.

"Two days, tomorrow marks three," Marth said. 

"Well it sure feels like it's been longer," Shulk said.

"Relax, what's the worst that could happen?" Link said.


"THIS IS THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN," Marth yelled, hitting the glass multiple times. When they woke up, they weren't in their beds. No, no, no, they were trapped in a giant glass bottle, with a cork blocking the entrance. They were a thankful they had some space to move, but not without bumping into each other every time.

"Okay, how long are we gonna have to stay here? I'm getting claustrophobic," Roy said.

"Roy, what does claustrophobic mean?" Ike asked.

"I'm not that dumb, asshole! I know it means when you're afraid of closed spaces, or something like that."


"Shut it, pretty boy, you're gonna drive me nuts with your blabbering," Bowser groaned, sitting in his throne.

"Did you have to put us in a bottle now?" Pit asked. "I need to stretch my wings, but I can't, there's no space."

"They're already in the final world, actually they just entered the castle," Bowser said.

"Are you gonna do the whole neko-Bowser thing?" Robin asked.

"God no, I hated that. We're just having a regular battle."

"You know they're gonna beat your ass, though, right?" Shulk asked.

"I know. It's always like that. They come to the me, and I get ass-whooped. Or burned most of the time. Simple formula we all have to follow."

"Sounds rough," Ike said.

"It is. All I want is for Peach to like me, or at least for me to be friends with her." Bowser looked down, trying to hide his blush.

"Aw, that's so sweet!" Marth smiled.

"Shut up! It's not, I'm evil! I don't have sentiments! Not for people like you anyway."

"Uh-huh, whatever you say," Roy smirked.

"I don't! Now shut up and pretend to be afraid, they're almost here."

"That was quick," Pit said.

"It's five women, strong ones at that, so of course it's gonna be easy for them."

"That's true, well, we might as well get ready," Marth said, brushing some hair from his forehead.

"Ready? Ready for what?" Pit asked.

"To be rescued, oh shush! I can hear them!" Marth said. "They better hurry, I wanna get out of here."

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