Pervy Goddess

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Palutena was in her room, reading a book, for once. Zelda recommended it to her, and so far, she really liked it. She was never necessarily the type to read, in fact she almost found it boring, being an extrovert, but she enjoyed the book, so who knows? Maybe she'll finally get into reading.

The thing was, the whole book was in Hylian. Zelda was kind enough to translate the whole book to English, except the spells. Apparently, only those from Hyrule could know them. She thought it was dumb, but she wasn't about to disrespect a country.


Palutena snapped her head up from the book and looked to her right. That sounded like Lucina. She got up and moved a little closer to the wall.

"I'm sorry, did that hurt?"

And that sounded like Robin! Now her attention was peaked. She put her ear right against the wall.

"No! It's okay, you can go deeper."

She gasped. Are, are they?! OMG YES! YES! I gotta keep listening.

"Robin, please, go faster!"

"I'm sorry, I think it'll hurt if I do."

"I'll be fine, now please just go!"

"If you say so. And I'm so sorry if it hurts."

"I've dealt with worse."

Palutena giggled like a little girl. Her little girl, she was finally growing up! Oh how proud she was.

"Alright, now the other one."

"Really Luce? How behind are you?"

"Very, and if it hurts, well, at least you know how to heal. You've got a doctors degree right? And hurry up! Ouch!"

"Okay! Okay, sorry, and no, I don't. I have done this before though, it's fairly easy as well."

"Well, that's why I asked you. You're great at it as well. Hey is that a condom?"

"Oh no."

Palutena gasped. He did not just do the dirty with her BFF without a condom! She stormed out of her room and stood in front of Lucina's room. She was about to knock, but decided to listen a bit more.

"Alright, it's done, I'm taking it out of you."

"Phew, thank god. That was actually kind of exhausting. Thanks, Robin!"

"Sure, now, how are we gonna tell the others about this?"

"We hide it from them!"


"By putting it in the trash!"

"Lucina! We can't just put it in the trash!"

"Well what else are we supposed to do?"

"We get rid of it some other way."


"We burn it."

That's it. Palutena stepped back and kicked the door open. Robin and Lucina jumped back and hugged each other out of fear.

"I knew you two were having sex! And you didn't use a condom, and now Luci's gonna get pregananant!" Palutena yelled. Robin and Lucina looked at each other, then back at Palutena, and narrowed their eyes. That's when Palutena realized. They had their clothes on.

"Pal! We were not doing the dirty! Robin was just helping me inject my medications! And the condom, we don't know about!" Lucina yelled.

"It was probably from the people that lived here before us, considering this was probably dorms before instead of a whole house," Robin said.

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