Restaurant Madness

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So, the last three chapters are coming soon, so here's what they're gonna be

Chapter 48 is the technical last chapter
Bonus Chapter

-Em :)


Ike smirked. He was, for once, actually happy. Like really happy! Happy enough to freak everyone else out.

"Why is he so happy?" Shulk asked in a whisper.

"I don't know, it's creeping me out to be honest," Pit said.

"Think he got laid?" Roy smirked. Shulk smacked him, which he responded with a grin.

"Why are you so happy, Ike?" Link asked as he sat down next to him.

"This story is ending soon, meaning I won't have to deal with you assholes again," Ike chuckled. "Except Sam, I'm gonna miss her."

"Okay, first, ouch, I thought I was your best friend, but's it's fine I get it! Second, did you not read the Author's Note at the beginning, there's gonna be an epilogue and a bonus chapter, 'don't think it's gonna be the last time you see her at least."

"Tru dat."

"Stop trying to be gangster."


"I'm hungry, let's go somewhere," Peach groaned, suddenly sprawling on the floor in front of them. She looked at them with those big blue eyes of hers, all puppy-dog style. "Pleeeeeeaaaaase??"

"Fine, but we are not going to the mall," Ike said.

"Dammit," Peach cursed under her breath.

"Alright lets go everybody," Link yelled. Everyone came downstairs except for one. He sighed and frowned. He quickly climbed up the stairs and stood idly outside her door. He leaned against it.

"Zel? You alright, love?" He asked sweetly.

Her voice was quiet, but he could still hear her say, "I... I don't feel like going anywhere right now. Sorry."

Link frowned, worry taking him over. He was not about to leave her alone when she was like this. Not again.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna stay here with, Zel, we may join in a while," Link yelled.

"Okay we'll maybe see you there," he heard Robin yell back.

Link slowly opened her door and stepped into the completely dark room. He closed the door behind him. Zelda was sitting on he bed, a bunch of blankets wrapped around her, a mug of honey onion lemon tea in her hands, and a laptop in front of her playing some show he didn't know. Her face was red, and she seemed awfully ho- warm. She seemed really warmed.

She suddenly sneezed, scaring them both. Zelda laughed a little and looked up at Link with a warm smile. "Thank you go staying."

Link walked over the her and sat next to her. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?"

"I didn't want to worry you. Plus, it's just a cold, nothing I can't handle."

"Still, of course I'm gonna worry about you. I love you."

"I love you too."


"Ooooo he's cute too. Oh she's good. Oh my god what an ass!" Palutena pointed left and right, showing Lucina all these good looking people.

"Dude, your bisexualness is showing," Lucina said between snickers.

"I'm just pointing out good looking people cause you know," Palutena looked beside her at Robin and leaned into her ear. "You could always leave scrawny ol' Robin over here."

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