TP,OH Short: Goddammit, Roy part 1

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"Hey, hey Shulk."

"What Roy?"

"Are-are you Sugondese? 


"Everyone says you're Sugondese."

"What are you talking about? What the hell is Sugondese?"

"Sugondese! You know, SUGONDESE NUTS! HA!"

Shulk face palmed and groaned. "Goddammit, Roy."


"Shoot I can't find it!" Ike groaned.


"No, the chest, I can't find the item for this temple."

"Updog, maybe it's updog?"

"I'm pretty sure it's not updog, Roy."

"Updog, maybe it is updog?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know, updog!"

"W-what? I have no clue what you're talking about!"

"Updog! Have you never heard of updog?"

"What? What is updog?" Roy erupted in laughter. Ike raised an eyebrow, but then he finally got it. "Oh my god, really? Oh you must be so proud of yourself."


Ike face palmed and turned off the game. "Goddammit, Roy."

A/N: Just... I've been watching too much GameGrumps okay? Especially their Mario Maker play throughs. 

This is the new I thing I was talking about. They're just short chapters that focus on one person instead of the whole group. Yeah I hope you guys like it.

Also! Remember, ask some questions and who knows? I might answer one question per chapter. Don't be shy, we're all friends here! Just, again, don't take it too far.

Alright, @have_you_ever asks: what's your OTP?

Oh sheesh, I have a lot of those. Well, ZeLink is life. There's also SamIke, RobCina, you know, all that good stuff. I respect any other ships, and I have some side-TPs as well. For example, Marth and Zelda, I would ship those two. Link and Peach, I don't really mind. I'm not really a fan of yaoi (I'm just gonna assume you know what it means) but Marth x Link or Ike, meh I don't mind it!

But that's video game wise, anime wise, I have too many of those. I know I gave a really long answer, I'll keep it shorter next time.

I hope you enjoyed this short! Bye bye!

-Em :)

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