SSG Finale!

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"Everyone welcome to the finale of..."


"It's been quite the journey, with quite a lot fluff and love, but also competitive and encouraging moments! Both teams are now tied, and the winner will be decided in this final event...

Kart racing! You'll be racing each other in teams around the castle. Now, since you're doing this all together, it's gonna be hard to tell who's on your team. So to make it easier, your bikes and karts will be your team color. But there's a catch! You can hit a teammate with some items like a shell, and if you do, that'll be one point off your final score. So if you get last place, that'll give you no points, so sorry! psh, not,

Anyway, get on your vehicles! Oh also! There will be a small monitor on your vehicle that'll show you the map, who's in front and behind you, and if there are any items coming your way, just to make things easier! You'll also have a walkie talkie to communicate with your teammates. Now go!"

They ran and were about to choose their vehicles, when they noticed they had names on them. So for the next three minutes, they looked around trying to find each person's vehicle. By the end, everyone was in a random order, with Roy in the first place spot, and Ike in the last place spot. Daisy floated over them in a cloud, holding a stop light. She put three fingers up, then two, then one.

"Go!" She smiled. Most of them went forward, while some of them stayed back, due to some engine failure. They were able to go though. They cam upon their first big curve that went downhill, which also lead to an anti-gravity pad. Some of them were able to get the item box and made sure that a teammate wasn't ahead of them.

"Ike, try and get ahead of Shulk," Samus said into her small walkie talkie, swiftly handling her bike in the meantime.

"Rodger that," Ike said. Samus sighed, she could just imagine the smirk on his face. Ike threw his green shell at Shulk and he was able to go in front. Once Shulk regained control of his kart, she smirked and threw her red shell at him. He cursed loudly as she passed him. Ike turned around on his kart and gave her a wink and thumbs-up. She did the same and grinned.

She came across a small bridge that lead to a another large curve that went up into an upside down view of the castle. She was doing fair, in fourth place. She glanced down at her monitor to see who was in first. She gritted her teeth when she noticed it was Pit of all people was in first place. Robin was in last place, but he had a lightning bolt. The sky darkened and she noticed a lightning bolt in front of her, and she could hear them behind her. The lightning bolt next to Robin's name was gone.

Samus came across a ramp so she did a little trick, and gave herself a small boost. She was sure she had this in the bag when she past Ike and got herself in third. Then she suddenly lost control of her bike when she felt something hit the back side.

"That's a minus point for Ike!" Daisy announced.

"OH SHOOT SAMUS! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE I'M SO SORRY!" Ike yelled as he past her. Samus shook her head and powered through the first lap. Whatever, it's just a minus point. Our team is ahead so far, we'll beat 'em.

She easily cruised through the second lap, now being in first place. Her team had lost three points from hitting each other, while the other team had lost seven. So, that guaranteed their win in her opinion.

She crossed the starting line, and drifted along the large curve. She was in first, and she could stay like that. One of her items were shells, and the other a horn. The only person with a lightning bolt was someone from her team.

"Someone better not screw me up with a bomb or somethin'," Samus said to herself. She could see the finish line, so she sped up. She missed the ramp, but it didn't matter, or so she thought when she noticed a shadow flying over her. She looked up and saw Palutena striking a pose, and holding a mushroom. Palutena then used the mushroom and earned herself first place. Samus gritted her teeth and paced the finish line in second. 

"Looks like I win!" Palutena smirked, turning around on her kart and winking at Samus. She glared at her and flicked her off. She could just hear Palutena's irritating scoff. 

Once everyone crossed the finish line, they parked by the starting line and waited for the points to be counted. Finally, Daisy lowered down in a cloud, with a bunch of cameras following her. She turned to them and smiled, then she turned back to the cameras.

"Alright! And that has been all of the events for Smash Summer Games! Now to decide the winners," Daisy smirked. "The losing team will face a terrible punishment, too! So hope you're not it. Alright here are the results!

1st Palutena -1 for hitting Link
2nd Samus
3rd Roy
4th Zelda
5th Marth -2 for hitting Shulk and Lucina
6th Peach -2 for hitting Ike twice
7th Robin, but he gets an extra because he had to deal with motion sickness
8th Ike -1 for hitting Samus
9th Link -3 for hitting Marth twice and Shulk once
10th Pit -1 for hitting Marth
11th Lucina -1 for hitting Link
12th Shulk

So, with that, I think we all know who the clear winners are!" Daisy shouted. "The overall winners of Smash Summer Games are the Strikers! Everyone please congratulate this year's winners!" The team had a group hug while the Brawlers clapped.

"Wait this year's? There's gonna be another one of these?" Pit asked.

"Nope!" Daisy answered simply. "Now for your punishment! You will get dumped with Nickelodeon-style slime then will be thrown all kinds of stuff on you! Not as bad as it seems, right?"

"Yes, actually, it will take forever to get all of that out of my hair!" Palutena whined.

"Not our problem! No go and get in the pool!" Daisy smirked, pointing to a small inflatable pool standing in the middle of the road. Worst part is that the toads were cheering and laughing, which killed their ears. They stood in the pool and looked up to two lakitus holding a giant bucket over their heads. They gulped.

"Let 'em have it!" Daisy yelled. The lakitus nodded and dumped the green slime all over them. They held their breath as the slime ran over their noses, then quickly wiped it away from there and their eyes. Before they could even take a breath, they were plummeted with dirt, ice cream, toys, water balloons, and just food in general. There was even a toad thrown in there! They slipped multiple times and finally regained their balance, before getting tackled by their friends.

Daisy laughed and turned to the cameras. "Well folks, that's it for Smash Summer Games! Did your favorite team win? Who were you rooting for? Still, we hope you enjoyed these few chapters on..."

"SMASH SUMMER GAMES!" Both teams shouted and continued throwing slime at each other.

A/N: What Daisy said! Also, sorry for the totally-not-epic-finale 

And now, a new section of A/Ns: Random Thoughts, with Em~

What Zelink ship would Beauty and the Beast be?

I think it's tp Zelink, like really. Link turns into a beast, so he's the beast, and Zelda is beautiful so she's the beauty! Or Midna would be if you ship Midlink, which I don't, so ya. Groose or Ganondorf would be Gaston, and one of Groose's sidekicks whose names I've forgotten or Ghirahim could be LeFou!

But, who would the utensils be? Like Lumiere and Cogsworth? They don't even have to be from Twilight Princess, just Zelda characters in general. Or even SSB characters. I think Uli and Colin would be Chip and Mrs. Potts. Cause... cause they're mother and son? Yeah I think it's pretty obvious.

That's actually a good story idea, I don't know if it's been done before but... I CALL IT!

And that concludes: Random Thoughts, with Em~


-Em :D

PS: I'll do questions next chapter! That just randomly popped into my head and I started typing it. By the time I realized I was typing it... it was already pretty long so I decided why not leave it in? :)

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