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Please choose a song that you may want for background music:

Good For You- Dear Evan Hansen
First Burn- Hamilton (Hamildrop)
Burn- Hamilton (original broadway cast)

Yes I know they're from musicals, but trust me,

It'll add to the mood

It's not a requirement, but they will really add to the mood, so I recommend you have them in the background

And if you know these songs,

Then you might have a clue as to what's gonna happen


Zelda's POV

I pace around back and forth between the kitchen and living room. My nails are practically nonexistent from me chewing and peeling them for so long.

"Zelda, you need to calm down and go to sleep, I'm sure he's fine," Marth said. "He's just on a walk, I'm sure he's fine."

I glared at him, and he immediately stopped talking. "Marth, it's been three hours! He's been out there, in the dark, freezing cold for three goddamn hours! In his pajamas!"

He shrugged. "Maybe he went back to Orion or something."

"Ordon," I corrected him. "But without telling us anything? I don't think Link would do that. You know what? I'm going to look for him, and don't try to stop me this time because you're not." I couldn't get over the fact that this is somehow my fault. I basically told him my life story last night, it probably scared him away. Maybe he's too scared to come back, scared the Yiga are gonna go after him too after knowing all this.


"Don't even, Marth, don't even," I glared at him as I went to grab my jacket.

"Fine, I'm coming with then," Marth said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." Why am I so mad at him? He didn't do anything wrong, so.... hormones? It's not even near that time of the month. I heard something coming from the stairs. Shit. I forgot.

"Why are you awake?" Ike asked, mostly directed to Marth. He usually wakes up super early to go to the gym with... Link... and I completely forgot about it. Dammit. "You know what, don't care. And do you guys know where Link is? He wasn't in his room."

"He went out for a walk last night and hasn't come back," Marth said. I was glad he said it for me.

"He hasn't come back? Were you guys gonna look for him now?" Ike asked, a lot of worry in his tone.

"Yep, wanna come?" Marth asked.

"Of course, lets go, but, shouldn't you guys get out of your pjs?" Ike asked.

"Whatever, let's just go," I said.

"Go where?" The three of us looked up at the stairs, and there was Samus, Palutena, and Robin.

"Link's missing, we're going to look for him," Ike said.

"What?! I'm coming to then-" Samus was interrupted by a phone ringing. Wait. That's my lullaby! I ran up to the couch and threw every blanket onto the floor until a heard a slight thump. I grabbed my phone and looked at the ID. It wasn't Link's.

"Is it Link?" Robin asked.

"No," I said quietly.

"Answer it still, maybe someone found his phone and used their phone to call you," Palutena said.

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