Just Go To Sleep

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Zelda was starting to get slightly uncomfortable. Marth had been staring at her the whole day, no matter what he was doing, he was staring at her. In the kitchen? Yep, he was staring. On the couch? Mhm, he was looking at her. In the bathroom? She was sure he had some way.

She was reading in the living room, and she could just feel Marth's stare all the way from the kitchen. She tried just focusing on her book, but she couldn't when she knew Marth was staring at her. She sighed and put her book down and turned to Marth. He didn't look away, however, he still stared at her. She almost raised an eyebrow at him.

"Can I help you, Marth?" She asked. Marth stopped what he was doing and walked to her. He stopped in front of her and furrowed his eyebrows. She looked up at him, wondering what the heck was wrong with him.

"You need to smile," Marth said.

"Huh?" She looked at Marth as he put his pointer fingers at the corners of her mouth. He then raised them a little, forcing a smile. He grinned widely and laughed.

"GUYS! I MADE ZELDA'S SMILE!" Marth called. Immediately, everyone came in to the living room, shoving each other out of the way to see first. "Hold on, people! I'll move out of the way so you can see her." He moved to the side and they all smiled widely, but then their faces dropped.

"She's not actually smiling, Marth," Peach pouted. "You're making her."

"Close enough though, right?" Marth said. They all shook their heads and glared at him. Marth sighed. "I say we have a sleep over, and that way we can get her to smile."

"Let go," Zelda said and bit one of Marth's fingers. He winced and backed away.

"Sheesh, you have strong teeth," Marth hissed and rubbed his finger.

"SLEEP OVER! Roy! Get the popcorn! Link! Get the movies! Samus! Go get my makeup from my room! Let's have a great sleep over, everyone," Peach smiled.


"I'd prefer to just stay in my room," Zelda said. Lucina grabbed her wrist and dragged her to her room.

"Nope! You're staying with us," Lucina smirked. She walked to Zelda's closet looking for some good PJs. Zelda groaned slightly and laid on her stomach. Lucina looked back at her, surprised and then glared at her.

"What is up with you lately?" Lucina asked. "You've been staying in your room a lot lately, and it's kinda worrying me." Zelda glanced at her and then covered her eyes with her arm.

"I'm sorry, I've just been kinda stressed," Zelda said. Lucina pouted, sat on her bed and put her hand on Zelda's other hand.

"Could you tell me why? Maybe I could help," Lucina said and gave her a sincere smile. She sat up and looked down.

"My friend from the castle, Lucy, she's been dealing with cancer for two years now," Zelda said. "She got hospitalized last week, and her condition got a lot worse. I'm still waiting on news of her."

Lucina gasped and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry! If you don't want to go to the sleep over, you don't-"

"No, it's okay, maybe it'll do me some good. Possibly even distract me," Zelda said. Lucina smiled and hugged her again.

"Well then, let's find you some-"

"HERE'S THE PAJAMAS!" Peach stormed through the door and handed them their PJs. She flashed them a smile and walked out the door.

"Pokémon... onesies?" Lucina asked, looking at the yellow onesie she held in her hand.

"Looks like we're gonna be a pack of Pikachu," Zelda said.

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