What Does It Feel Like? part 1

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The light of the sun shone through the windows of the kitchen, and everyone was there eating their breakfast. Roy and Pit were arguing about what show to watch while Shulk made sure they didn't start fighting. The adults ate their breakfast quietly with small talk. Except Zelda. She wasn't downstairs, which was surprising considering she normally would've been one of the first there.

"I'm gonna get Zelda, her breakfast is getting cold," Link said. He stood from his seat and walked upstairs to her room. He knocked her door and called her name. No response. He thought about what he was about to do and quietly opened the door. He peaked his head inside and saw her sitting on her desk. He sighed and walked in. She was sleeping, resting her head on her hands which were on top of the desk. The owl was asleep on her head. He almost laughed at that but stopped himself. He walked over to her and stopped to admire the scene.

Her brown hair was a slight mess, and she looked very relaxed. More relaxed than usual. He looked at her desk. It was covered with crossed out drawings of the owl, each part labeled with precision. There were a coupled crumpled papers, whish he assumed were fails. He drove his attention back to Zelda and gently poked her arm.

"Zel, hey, wake up," he whispered into her ear. She wasn't waking up, so he stared to gently poke her cheek. "Zelda, hey, wake up!" She squint a little and slowly opened her eyes and looked at him as he looked at her. They stayed like that, their faces only inches apart, until Link finally moved away. "S-sorry, I was trying to wake you up because breakfast is ready." Zelda rubbed her eye and sat up straight. She took the sleeping owl from her head and gently placed it on the desk. 

"No, it's fine," Zelda said. "What time is it?"

"Around nine-thirty,"   Link answered.

"Ah, sorry, I should've woken up earlier," Zelda said, grabbed a brush and ran it through her hair.

"No it's okay! I see you've already begun your owl study," Link smiled, looking at the desk.

"I was mostly studying his anatomy," Zelda said.

"His? You figures out it's gender?"

"Yes, I still haven't decided for a name yet."

"Well we can figure that out! I'll meet you downstairs, okay?" Link smiled and left the room. She sighed and quickly changed into leggings and a t-shirt. She did her make up and tied her hair into a messy bun. When she came out of the bathroom, she saw the owl awake. He flew over to her and stood on her shoulder. She walked out and downstairs. She waved to everyone and started eating her breakfast.

"Morning, Zel, I see you have Albert," Lucina said.


"Well, since owls are viewed as being smart, which I know they're not, I thought why not name him after one of the smartest people ever?"

"I don't really like that name, how about Stephen?" Samus said. "Like Stephen Hawking?"

"No, too complicated, how about Pico?" Peach suggested.

"Oh dear no, that reminds me of Boku no Pico," Palutena shuddered. 

"Ah, right, um, how 'bout snowy?"

"Snowy, huh, that's actually really cute! Snowy it is!" Lucina said. "I've already got it's food ready outside, I'll take it."

"Snowy's a he," Zelda said as she passed him on to Lucina.

"Oh okay! Let's go Snowy," Lucina said and took him outside. They continued to eat with small talk. After everyone was done, Shulk took their plates and washed them.

"Random thought: What's feel like to get kidnapped?" Pit asked out loud.

"Not pleasant, but when it's multiple times, you kinda get used to it," Peach said. "Especially if it's by a giant turtle monster."

"I've always kinda wanted to know what's it like, since we are the ones that have to save the princesses," Ike said.

"Save yourself," Lucina and Samus said.

"I've never gotten kidnapped actually," Zelda said.

"Well your other incarnations have, so that counts," Peach said.

"Is it really kidnapping when you choose to stay hidden in your castle for your people?" Zelda asked.

"Okay, maybe not that incarnation, but still!" Peach argued. She closed her eyes for a moment, thinking. "Ah-hah! I've got an idea!" Peach stood up proudly, in front of everyone. 

"Boys, you're gonna get kidnapped! And us girls are going to save you."

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