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I can't help but smile because of the day it is. It's my weeding day , and am getting married to a very rich family am so happy. " owwww, my bestie looks stunning "  Aisha said jumping in joy and I couldn't help but giggle. AISHA YUSUF is my best friend we've been best friend since when I was 3 years old. I know Aisha like the back of my palm, and same goes with her.

" where is our amarya, your groom is waiting for you outside he can't wait to get married to you already " tijanni said as I giggled. Tijanni is Jamal's best friend. " he's so cute " Aisha whispered into my ears as I rolled my eyes.

I stood up and made my way outside the house for my weeding. . The dj played reekado banks :- jeje , as I danced in with my bridesmaids and my best friend beside me.

The awaited day is here. I've been dreaming of this day since 20 years of my life and today is the day, am so happy. We perform the ritual rites and Nikah , and after completing marriage rites the priest announced us husband and wife. I blushed as Jamal raised up my veil, he hasn't said a word or smile at me through out the weeding.

After all the greeting, crying , goodbyes and well  wish we drive home.  Jamal fixes his eyes at the window and the drive was quiet , someone has to say something and that someone is me. Mmhm I cleared my throat, " hey Jamal how are you " I asked, really Ameerah , is that the best you can think of?.

" mtchew "   He hissed as I looked at him shockingly, what's up with him. Is this how men react after getting married. How dare he hiss at me, well I don't blame him I blame my wicked step mum. If she didn't sell me to him, he wouldn't have dared hissed at me in that manner.

I've been sitting in the car for almost an hour with my ass hole husband who doesn't even want to talk to me. Ugggh !!! I groaned , Jamal doesn't even care , he didn't look at me instead he brings out his iPhone X , and started typing stuff I don't know. I've never seen him smile before, he only smiled when we were taking our pre weeding picture, and that's because his mum forced him to , he always looks upset or grumpy. Wierdddd.

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