Thirty - four

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" Jamal's POV "

I fell asleep watching Ameerah as the knock on the door woke me up. " yes come in " I said almost whispering as Ameerah's step mum walked into the room. I stared at her confusedly my mind not wanting to comprehend what she's doing here.

" please tell me it's not true ?, tell me my husband is still alive " she said in tears as the both of us walked out of Ameerah's room, and shut the door.

" what are you doing here ?"

" I came to see my daughter " she stated " where is my husband?"

" which husband, is it the husband you abandoned or the one you left because he is no longer rich ?" I asked

" it's not like that please believe me " she begged as I rolled my eyes

" look here ma'am, with due respect am not interested in your life story. You can go downstairs and sit with the other guest , excuse me "

I said as I walked back into the room and shut the door. I leaned on the door as I tugged my hands in my hair in frustration. Curses, I just hate my life.

" what are you doing here, get out of my room" Ameerah yelled as I broke from my thoughts and walked up to her. " are you deaf Jamal , get the fuck out of my room " she yelled again

" calm down baby , you know you are pregnant " I said calmly

" I hate you, get out " she yelled more louder as her words killed me

" are you crazy , what nonsense are you blurting out of your mouth " I yelled at her as tijjani and Aisha walked into the room.

" Jamal your parents need to see both Ameerah and you " they said as I nodded.

" tell them am not coming " Ameerah  yelled as tijanni and I walked out of the room and Aisha stayed behind.

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