Am here to haunt you

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EWATOMI  has been published.

You guys should please add it to your library am sure you would like it.

So lemme just give you guys a peep of the book.



" I was only 15 years of age when my family sold me to him. The thoughts of of me escaping from here is no longer a dream. He always locks me up in the house when he's going out, or when his friends comes over to visit. He knew keeping me here was a crime, but still he never attempted to free me and let me be. The more I look into his eyes, the stronger the hate I have for him. I was Aisha Shettimah. But he named me-- Ewatomi. And as far as I can tell , I always will be."

I know you guys can't wait to start reading , just add it to your library and read.

Xo Xo.


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