Fourty - five

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I can't sleep. I just can't sleep. Why ?.

The fact that Jamal's mum would be staying here for a month is driving me crazy. And the fact that there is a tiny bit of possibility that I might be expecting a boy is making me wanna run mad.

I sat on the bed staring at Jamal who was snoring into my ears makes me wants to yell my frustration out in pure anger.

I crawled out of bed and picked up my hijab in the closet. I would do what I know to do best. MIDNIGHT STROLL. I quietly made my way downstairs and out of the front door.

I strolled down the streets as I remembered that I have a friend who can ease off my pain and anxiety. I strolled to Jamal's house as I knocked on his door 3 times before he finally opened the door.

His face lit up the moment he saw me, he welcomed me in, and we both sat on the couch in his wired living room.

" what brought the Queen of the world, to my house " he said with a smile as I sighed.

" am just frustrated " I said as I rested my back on the chair

" frustrated?, why ?" He questioned as I stared at him.

" my marriage, my mother in law, my life , the death of my parents, the new wife, the good and bad memories. Everything frustrates me " I said in tears as Amar hugged me.

Am not sure if what he was doing was right but I need this hug right now.

" it's alright, don't cry " he whispered into my ears as I hugged him back.

Thinking of the kiss we both shared the other day made me realize what I was doing right now as a married woman is completely wrong.

" I shouldn't be here, I have to go " I said wiping my tears as he stopped me.

" at least can I have your number " he stated .

I didn't even care to think twice as I gave him my contact then left his house. I walked fast back home before Jamal would realize my absence.

I opened the front door and walked quietly to my bedroom as I saw Jamal sitting on the bed with his hands crossed.

" where were you ?" He questioned as I removed my hijab and tossed it in the basket.

" kitchen " I lied as Jamal laughed.

What's funny?.

" really, are we going to start this " he said standing up

" start what ?" I asked

" lies , you left the house again late at night to God knows where and you lie to me that you are in the kitchen. Come on I wasn't born yesterday " he said almost yelling . I tried to walk out on him as he grabbed my arm.

" I won't ask you again Ameerah where were you ?" He said as tears dropped down my cheeks.

" I went for a stroll, so please let me be " I said as I laid on the bed and cover my body with the sheets.

Damn it, i shouldn't have left the house late at night. Instead of clearing my head and trying to get everything out of my head . I worsened it.

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