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3 weeks later

Allahu Akbar!!
Allahu Akbar !!

The shrill voice of the muezzin pierced the mornings silence with calls to prayer jolting me from sleep. I woke up Jamal as he rolled over the bed and stretched his arm high above his head. I remembered how my father would walk into my room every time the muezzin calls for the subh prayer( morning prayer ). And if he finds me still sleeping he would pick up a pillow from my bed and hit it hard on me to wake me up.
Now he is no more to disturb me from my sleep. He always tells me never to play with my prayers.

Allahu Akbar!!!
Allahu Akbar!!!
Lahila ahilala!!.

The shrill voice of the muezzin broke me from my thoughts as I wiped my sleepy eyes, stood up from the bed and went into the bathroom to perform ablution. As Jamal followed.

After 1 minutes Jamal and I finished ablution as we both came out of the bathroom. I picked up my hijab and put it on, as Jamal layed the praying mat on the floor facing the kibla as we performed our two rakah prayer. After praying I then prayed for my dead parents as I usually do.

" o my lord ! Forgive me and my parents our sins  , o my lord ! Have mercy on both of them as they cared for me when I was little "  before I know what's happening I find my little thumbs wiping my tears.

It's only a bastard that would not miss his dead parents after their death. I miss my mum and dad like crazy, thinking of being a mother very soon and also thinking that I might die somedays and leave my baby all alone in this world really frightens me a lot. I stood up and removed my hijab as I folded it neatly keeping it on the side drawer as I stared at Jamal who was already fast asleep.

He hasn't been used to this new logic yet, I would keep on waking him up for prayer until he gets used to it and teach his kids a good and bright way in life.

I set an alarm on my phone for 7:30am , as I went back to sleep and covered my body with the sheets.

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