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I woke up today with a cold. This all happened because of the aircon Jamal always switches on 247.

The thought of Aisha showing up here any moment from now and making me confess to Jamal makes my cold worsened.

" you should take your drugs " Jamal said .

I bit my lips my eyes searching his. My attention was pulled away from him when I heard the door bell chime.

" expecting someone? " he asked.

I nodded " yes Aisha "

" it may not be best to be around people "

" why?"

" you may infect them with your cold and it would be bad "

I gave him a questionable look.

" cold is a communicable diseases don't you know?" He asked

" yah I know"

" it won't be funny when your best friend is infected " .

I rolled my eyes and began defending the stairs.

" am just saying it could happen "

he went on walking beside me. I realize I absolutely love it when he is close to me. Not that I didn't notice, but I just felt the heat all of a sudden. I held his hand as we both walked downstairs.

" and you are pregnant "

" Jamal " I said interrupting his rant

" what ?" He asked

" how much longer are you going to go on talking ? "

" I'm done " I smiled and opened the front  door

Aisha immediately walked in. " what took you so long ?"

" I didn't take that long " I replied

" hey you are not in your pjs " she complained

" neither are you ".

She took off her black kimono to reveal her pjs.

" oh , I guess I'll go change ."

" hurry " she urged.

I dashed upstairs and quickly stripped off my cloths and pulled open my drawer, Grabbing a black slick nightgown and had it on, as I went back downstairs.

I reached bottom of the stairs and Aisha smiled . " better " she praised.

I glanced over at Jamal whose eyes were  on me as he bit his lips .

A/N. What comes next guys?. It's the confession you guys wouldn't want to miss it for anything.

Stick around. Brb


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