Fifty - one

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" i would go get my phone in the bedroom  " Jamal said as he made his way upstairs

" awkward " Aisha whispered

" uh yeah " I answered awkwardly

" now you are wired " Aisha said

Aisha and I sat on the couch , the movie rolling away on the flat screen. Lighting the pitch dark room lightly.

We were watching in my opinion, a very creepy movie : paranormal activity 2.

Aisha was sitting beside me a grin spread on her face as she watched with engrossed eyes. I was tensed my hand resting against my face as I wearily watched the screen waiting for something to happen.

Their was a heavy silence in the movie and as my nerves were on edge. I saw something move out of the corner of my eyes, I jumped looking over to see a figure standing in the darkness of the room.

I couldn't help but scream. Aisha jumped at my scream her eyes darting to me.

I heard laughter from the person that was standing there - Jamal and now Aisha. Jamal walked up to the couch laughing as Aisha joined him.

I was trying to calm my racing heart.

" are you sure you should be watching this?" Jamal questioned

He sat down on the couch beside me, as Aisha adjusted . I sighed Jamal was still smiling same goes to Aisha.

Aisha cleared her throat. " we can turn it off if you want you know ? If it's too much for you " she said

" shut up " I laughed

We went back to watching the movie, I jumped at every single part that would make me to. By the time the movie was almost over, I swear to God my eyes were watery.

Jamal placed his hand on my laps as I stared at him.

" are you alright " he asked with a smile.

And the fact that this might be the last time I see him smile or at least show love to me makes the tears drop down my cheeks.

" I want you to kiss me " I whispered as he joined our lips together and kissed me.

I know Jamal, I know he would never forgive me. I just know it.

The movie was finally over as Aisha coughed making us break from our kiss.

" I need to use the bathroom " Aisha said as he left the movie room.

" I have a question for you Ameerah " Jamal said as my heart started beating fast. " are you cheating on me ?" He asked as tears dropped down my cheeks

" yes " I whispered

A/N. Guys!!!!!!

Wahalla dey , gbem gbem.

Am speachless guys. See me talking as if am not the writer 😂😂.

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