Twenty - four

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[ HOME ]

My nice neighbor drove us back home, as we thanked him for his help and kindness before entering our house. Jamal and i made our way upstairs to our room, I can't believe my eyes what's this bitch doing in my room . Why did she come back after so many months.

" what are you doing here Zainab?" Jamal asked her as I rolled my eyes in frustration

I've escaped from Aunty zainab and now another zainab is tormenting my life.

" you didn't call or try to look for me so I decided to come here myself " she said rubbing her hands in his tummy seductively as I pushed her away making her fall on the bed.

" don't you dare touch my husband in that manner " I yelled as she laughed

" your husband, did you just call my Jamal your husband " she asked sitting on the bed as I stared at Jamal who looks terribly disturbed " oh now I get it, your so called husband didn't tell you about us did he ?" She asked as I stared at Jamal confusedly

" shut the fuck up zainab " Jamal yelled.

He was trying to shut her up. Not wanting her to talk, it's as if she knows something he doesn't want me to know.

" why should she shut up " I asked as he ignored my question and continued yelling at zainab.

" please leave we would talk about it later" he begged as she laughed

" am not here to negotiate with you, am here to stay in my husbands house for good no matter what you say or do, because am pregnant " she yelled throwing him some piece of paper as the whole house turned on my head.

Omg!! This can't be, Jamal can't do this to me. She can't be pregnant for him, am his wife.

" eh..what are you saying " I asked as she sighed

" poor thing, it's high time you know the truth about your so called darling loving husband. The truth is that Jamal and I .... " before she could complete her statement Jamal cut her off

" please Ameerah don't listen to a word she's saying it all lies, she's trying to break us apart " he begged

Right now, I wanna know the truth I don't want to be kept in the dark anymore. She said she's pregnant for crying out loud, I don't even know who or what to listen to at this moment.

" Jamal and I are secretly married, he has been using you all this while. Didn't you notice how he started being your so called loving husband all of a sudden. He used you and then layed with you, because he heard you and your bestfriend talking about how badly you wanna sleep with him. So he called me and I give him advice. I told him to just pretend to be In love with you so that he can lay with you anytime he wants. Jamal is a devil sweetie and he betrayed your love, as for me am here to stay and no motherfucker is gonna send me out of my husbands house " she said smiling as I stared at Jamal with my bloodshot eyes.

I wanted him to say something, I want him to yell at her . I want him to tell me that she's lying and that all what she said is all lies, but he didn't . Now it all makes sense to me, no wonder the other day when she came over and disrespected his dad, they didn't say a word. They all know about his disgusting acts, and they played me. They toyed with my emotions, am shattered,my life is now like a broken glass which can't be fixed.

" Ameerah my love, it's not what you think. I know what she said is true but it was before I stared loving you I swear believe " he said crying as I stared at him confusedly, I don't know what to think or feel right now. Am just like a empty can. " I love you please don't leave because of the nonsense she blurted " he said kneeling down.

He knows my weakness, and he's definitely not gonna deceive me into believing in his lies this time around.

" and I want you to move out of this room, am his first wife so I deserve to sleep with my husband, I need someone to rub my tummy at night when my stubborn baby is kicking "

" Ameerah is not going anywhere " Jamal yelled

" ok good, then I would go to her dads room right now and tell him everything. The poor man would die if I tell him about our latest gist "

" no please don't tell my dad anything, I would leave the room for you I beg you " I cried begging her in tears.

Wadup wadup!! So comment and share your thoughts about what you think about this book. You are free to :- shout, hiss, get angry, cry, hate someone, laugh. You guys are free to do any of the above but make sure I see it in the comment box.😝😝😝😘.

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