Fourty - two

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I layed on  the bed in the hospital as the doctor rubbed some cream on my stomach.

" you would see your baby on the screen " he said to Jamal and I as we nodded

He picked up something I don't know as he rounded it around my stomach.

" that's the baby's head " he said as I smiled even though  I can't see the head he his talking about. All what I can see on the screen is black and a little bit of grey.

" that's the baby's heart as you can see it's beating, which means your baby is in a good condition " the doctor said as Jamal squeezed my hand.

" this the baby , can you see it ?" The doctor asked as Jamal answered almost yelling

" yes doctor, I can see my baby's nose " Jamal said as I burst into laughter.

Even the doctor didn't see the nose so how did Jamal see it . The baby hasn't finished forming to a human size so how did Jamal see the nose. Even the doctor laughed.

" so doctor is the baby a boy or a girl " I asked

" I can't tell you now, the result would be out tomorrow or next " the doctor said as I nodded

" what time can we come for the result " Jamal asked

" in the afternoon " the doctor replied

" I want you to send the result to my best friend if you don't mind. I want her to break the news to us " I stated as the doctor nodded.

" if that's what you want , then it's okay " the doctor said as I stood up from the bed and adjusted my clothes.

Jamal and I walked out of the hospital as we entered the car.

" why do you want Aisha to see the results before you do ?" Jamal asked as I sighed

I knew he was surely going to ask me why  ?

" because she's more happy about the pregnancy than I am , besides she's my best friend and the baby is mine " I said as Jamal raised his brows

" the baby is mine, without my help and energy you wouldn't have been pregnant " he stated

Jamal is so naughty , what does he mean by his help and energy?

" and who is carrying the baby for nine months, who is enduring the pains " I asked as he started the engine of the car

" ok you win , babe " he said kissing me on the lips as he drove out of the hospital. " I wanna take you somewhere  " he said as I nodded

I can't wait to see where he wants to take me.

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