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I woke up from sleep noticing that my stomach pain has subsided a little. I need to get some shower , I can't roam around my house smelling. I pulled the sheets out my body and crawled out of the bed.

I picked up my towel on the side drawer, then emerged my way to the bathroom. Due to the pains I've been to earlier , my mind didn't tell me to close the door after entering the bathroom. I removed my pjs making it drop on the floor, as I stared at my naked body on the mirror. Wondering what that whore has in her body that I don't.

I walked into the shower and adjusted the temperature as the warm water drop on my skin. I scrubbed my body with sponge and my coconut soap, am so In love with coconuts. I use coconut on my hair and also on my body.

The memory of Jamal feeding me the glass of water made me blush in shower, or should I think of the fact that he rubbed my tummy. Why can't he remain nice forever, I don't know what I did to deserve this.

I didn't notice Jamal entering the shower with me. I felt his soft hand on my waist as I shiver. " what are you doing " I yelled covering my chest with my hand as he grin.

I stared down his body and noticed he was naked, Gosh , I shouldn't have stared at that thing . " what are you staring at " he said raising my chin as I looked away in shame.

" please go away Jamal " I said with my voice shaking , as he came more closer to me covering the gap between us.

" what if I don't want to " he said, I could feel the heat of his breath in my skin. " I want you and me to... " before he could complete his statement I pushed his away I ran out of shower, picking my towel on the hanger and tied it tightly on my body.

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