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I sat in the living room with Aisha my best friend as we wait anxiously for Jamal and baba to come back home. I told her everything about zainab and Jamal, as she swore to join me beat zainab up when dad is finally back and feeling ok.

I just don't know why am feeling worried, and afraid. I just pray baba is alright. " calm down girlfriend everything would be fine " Aisha said as I rested my head on her shoulder.

" so is your old hag dad done pretending to be sick " zainab said coming down from the stairs as Aisha stared at me.

" is she the zainab?" She asked as I nodded

" zee baby " zainab corrected as I rolled my eyes.

" ok that's it " Aisha said standing up from the chair . " you've done and said enough to my best friend, and if you know what's best for you , you would go back where you came from, because I swear to God if you say another mean thing to my friend I would fucking beat you up " Aisha said as I stared at zainab' s stomach and remembered that she was pregnant due to the swelling of the stomach.

" listen here bitch , this is my husbands house and am his first wife " zainab said as I rolled my eyes.

I need to say something to this bitch. " listen here zainab or should I say zee baby, I am legally married to Jamal. I got married to him in public and everyone can say something on that because his family members and my family members attended it. But what did you do? You seduced a married man , and got married to him in public because you are nothing but a sick, slimy prostitute " . I yelled as she laughed

" I got married to him before he married you. You should ask your darling husband for more info " she said

" and who asked for your opinion " Aisha said walking close to her

" get the fuck off my face you fool " zainab insulted as Aisha slapped her making her fall on the floor.

" stop it Aisha she's pregnant " I yelled trying to pull her away to no success.

This time around she's on zainab, and she's punching her all over her body as zainab yelled for help. I somehow enjoyed Aisha beating her but still yet it's a pregnant lady we are talking about here.

I pulled Aisha off zainab's body. They both stood up breathing rapidly as the cloth zainab stuffed inside her stomach fell off.

" well, well , well. The pregnant bitch happens not to be pregnant at all " Aisha said as I stared at zainab with my mouth wild opened.

 The pregnant bitch happens not to be pregnant at all " Aisha said as I stared at zainab with my mouth wild opened

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A/N. Zainab wasn't pregnant after all. Hmmmmm

Stick around lurvers


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