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It was morning already I quietly woke up Sofia from sleep and helped her take her bath before getting her dressed into her freshly ironed school uniform. Sofia and I went downstairs as I quickly prepared breakfast for her.

I sat on the dinning chair and watched my beautiful daughter eat , as the car horn broke me from my thoughts.


" the school bus is here " I said heading to the kitchen to pick up her lunch box.

" get up " I said to Sofia as she pouted her mouth which reminds me of her 
' so called daddy ' .

We both went outside and I watched her sluggishly entering the school bus

" bye mummy " she yelled waving as I blow her a kiss.


One problem is out , I now need to take care of Jamal that's if he permits me to. I walked into the room and saw Jamal sitting on the bed, with a blood shot eyes.

" what's wrong " I whispered sitting close to him on the bed as tears dropped down his cheeks

" he was right all this while. She doesn't love me, she only wants money and nothing else " Jamal said

I stared at him speechless not knowing what to say. I have never seen him in this situation ever.

" who was right ?"

" tijanni, he told me zee baby doesn't love me, and I was too stubborn and upset with you to believe him " he said holding my hand. " please forgive me Ameerah am so sorry " he said which made tears run down my cheeks

" it's okay " I whispered hugging him as the knock on the door broke the hug and the awkward moment.

" are you guys done with the drama?" Zee baby asked as we both stared at her in silence

" anyways am leaving am going back to Lagos to find a correct guy who would love and also a guy who can walk and do things like a real man " she said as I berthed really hard.

" may you rot in hell you bitch " Jamal yelled as she smiled walking out of the room.

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