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I tied a towel on my head, as I opened the closet and brought out my blue jeans and blue t shirt. What did he want to tell me in shower, I just don't pray it's what am thinking .

I had my underwares and lady care on , and got dressed quickly before he comes out of shower. I sat on the bed thinking of what happened earlier in shower, as my heart beat faster. How dare he jumps into the shower with me .

" are you thinking of me ?" Jamal said placing his two hands on his waist as I stared at him shockingly not wanting to get my eyes off him.

" don't you have some shame " I yelled throwing him the towel on the bed as he caught it and wrapped in around his waist. He looks so cute with his wet body. I sat on the bed staring at Jamal's half naked body as he broke me from my thoughts.

" do you like what you see ?" He asked with a grin as I rolled my eyes . " if you love my body so badly you should take a picture of it so that you can look at it anytime you want " he said sarcastically , as he handed me my phone.

I hugged my phone and kissed it almost 76 times. " I don't have space on my phone for rubbish " I said eyeing him as he rolled his eyes

" then delete your ugly pictures, and snap me " he replied throwing a pillow at me as he walked to the closet and grabbed a black hoodie and grey sweatpants.

" am not ugly , your shameless whore is " I yelled as he scoffed

" which of them ?" He asked putting on his cloths. Oh great now I know he has so many mistresses, curse you Jamal Mohammad.

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