Fourty - six

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The ring on my phone woke me up from sleeping as I picked it up sluggishly without checking the caller ID.

" hello, who is it " I whispered

" your friend Amar" he said as I quickly sat on the bed

" you.. Why are you calling me , early in the morning " I whispered as Jamal came out of the bathroom.

" I missed my friend that's why " hold on is Amar trying to flirt with me?.

" who are you speaking to " Jamal asked as I quickly hanged up the phone.

When did Jamal start being interested on who I speak to on phone. God !!. I shouldn't have given Amar my number.

" no one "

" are we still on this lies Ameerah ? " Jamal questioned as I stood up on the bed.

" I was trying to call Aisha but she didn't pick up " I lied as I walked into the bathroom and locked the door.

What am I doing ?, why am I lying to Jamal ?. It's not as if am cheating on him with Amar, Amar is just a friend who I mistakenly kissed by mistake. Who am I kidding, cheating is cheating, Gosh I hate myself for this.

" Jamal's POV "

Why is she lying to me ?. I heard her talking on the phone with God knows who so why the lies.

All this started when she left home late last night. It better not be what am thinking, Ameerah better not be seeing someone.

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