Twenty - six

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I rolled my eyes " how did you even know I was gone ?"

" I heard you , you might want to be a little quiet next time "

" I was very quiet " I protested

" why weren't you asleep?" I asked

" I can't sleep "

" oh, why "

He looked at me as if I should know why.

" well?" I prompted

He shook his head " never mind , what we're you doing up late ?"

" I couldn't sleep "

" why ?"

" I was thinking of you and her "

" am sorry my love " he said grabbing my waist

I stuck my hand in my back pocket as I backed off a little.

" so why did you go for a walk ?"

" I just wanted to clear my head "

" is something bothering you ?"

" no "

" you just don't want to tell me "

I stayed silent because he was right. I thought of the kiss Amar and I shared , and I hated myself for allowing him to. I should tell Jamal, hold on how could I ? . He would totally freak out, all this is Jamal's fault if he didn't lie to me or put me in darkness all this wouldn't have happened.

" that must be a yes." He claimed " why don't you want to tell me " he asked almost in a whisper

I shrugged

" you don't want to tell me what's bothering you either. You know how I always say I want us to have a very open relationship and tell each other everything?" Yes he smiled faintly . " well am regretting every word I said "

" why? Because of zainab "

" yeah "

" that's stupid "

" you can't say that because you don't know how it feels Jamal "

" let me guess is it about her being pregnant?"

" no "

" is it involving me in anyway " he asked

" some of it "

He sighed

" now am done with this conversation." I said stepping inside the room.

" well am not " he followed me inside .

I sighed to myself

I sat on the bed , slipping off my sneakers and tossing them across the room.

" am seriously done with this conversation " I stated

" just because zainab is here and pregnant doesn't mean we can't be close " he said

I sat on the bed while he stood several feet away.

" you are the one that caused all this, you slept with that bitch even tho you are married to me. You got married to her secretly without telling telling me your wife who you claim you love more than anything in this world , you told her about everything we share together and you expect me to still believe you and tell you my secrets? No way Jamal Mohammad ".

" I know. All what you said is true Ameerah, but it all happened before I started loving you. Our relationship isn't ever going to be strong like before I know that, but please baby don't act so formal with me. I can die for you my love "

" am not asking you to die for me, am asking you trust me which you don't . So please can I just go to bed now ?"

" yh I'll see you tomorrow "

" bright and early " I commented

" I doubt that, it's already early "

" you're probably right " I laid back against the bed as he left the room.

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