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later in the night I felt hungry, I haven't eaten anything since the weeding. I crawled down the bed and tip toed round the house searching for the kitchen. Then I see one door slightly open dim light illuminating from the room. I walked in and switched on the light and I can't believe my eyes, how could he do this to me???

I switched on the light of a room I don't know , and saw no one else but Jamal. He layed on the bed half naked with a lady also half naked. How could he do this to me, how could he cheat on me on our weeding night. He even have the guts to do it in our matrimonial home, mehn I hate him . If I yell or shout at him, it won't change anything in him. It won't fix the hole he just dugged in my heart.

So I switched off the light and closed the door this time around, he can continue whatever he is doing I don't care. As it is said fait is a bitch.

" Ameerah hold on " Jamal yelled my names as I walked into the bedroom and tried to lock the door with no success. " you fucking stop when I ask you to " he said holding a grip of my hand . I tried to pull my hand away to no success.

" let go off me , you are hurting me " I yelled as he did just as I asked him to. " how dare you cheat on me on our wedding night , you are such a dog " I yelled at him with tears dropping on my cheek as he laughed .

" do you think I got married to you because I love you ? , I got married to you because my parents forced me to . I followed you to this room because I want to make some few things clear to you " he yelled "Ameerah "

" yes " I replied almost whispering

" don't touch me , don't come close to me , don't talk to me , understood?" She yelled which gave me goosebumps.

" she won't understand it that way , until you explain it more harder to her by slapping her " a lady said raising her hand to slap me as I grabbed it.

" don't you dare touch me with your filthy hands you whore, the both of you can fuck each other I don't care . Now get out of my room shegiya ( idiot ) " I yelled flinging her hand away

" sweetheart can you see the way she's talking to me " she cried reporting to Jamal as he slapped me .

" don't you dare speak to her like that understood " he warned as the both of them walked out of the room.

I hate my life , if I knew this how my marriage is going to turn out I wouldn't have gotten married to this jerk. I can't believe he slapped me, how dare he slap me. He brought a woman to my house and slapped me on it.

" Allah ya isa sakani ni da kai jamal " I cried sitting on the floor.

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