Thirty - seven

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Dear Ameerah,

Ameerah Kabir dange . My loving beautiful daughter, you make me happy anytime I set my eyes on you. Your smile alone reminds me of your courageous loving mother Amina Kabir dange, it reminds me of the love and memories we've both shared in this world . The day she died and left the both of us alone in this world was the saddest day of my life.Ameerah my daughter, I know you like the back of my palm. I know when you are happy, and also when you are sad. And sadness is what is written all over your face since when you got married to Jamal Mohammad.Don't start troubling that small head of yours on how I knew about it. Cause you would end of having a headache. You got married to Jamal because of me. You tolerated his insults and beatings because of me, then later on Jamal started loving you. You loved more than his own life, that he can't stay 3 seconds without you by his side. I then asked myself, why am I still alive making my daughter think she got married to the love of her life because of her sick father. Then again your step mum. She left me because am sick, weak , poor , and too old for her. You tried to hide the truth from me. But my darling daughter I would want you to know that I've been in this world before you. I have cancer, I've known this for a long time now but didn't say a word to anyone not even your step mum. She later found out that I have a month left in this world then she left me. The hardest thing to tolerate is knowing when you would live or die. Please Ameerah don't blame your husband Jamal for my death, because he is completely innocent. My time has come , and that time is today. Love your husband and treat him with respect just the way your mum treated me with love , care and respect. Have trust in him, and never cheat on him with any man. I hope you would be able to respect my words, and also forgive me for leaving you alone in this world. I love you my princess, I would always pray for you. Love your marriage and stay blessed.

Yours adorable,
Father(  Abubakar  Kabir  dange )

I cried while reading the paper, I didn't know my dad had cancer. He left me in darkness all this while. He made me think I was actually helping him save his life, but I actually wasn't. How could he keep this away from me, he could have voiced out to me and might still be alive. Still yet my father is my king my everything, and I would keep on loving him till death.

I still can't believe my dad is dead. It's just as if he is hiding somewhere, and doesn't want to come out. Abubakar Kabir dange, I love you , and I promise to stick to each and every word you said in this paper.

I would listen to my dad and be nice to Jamal , but am not going to forgive zainab I would make sure I make her life miserable.

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