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I woke up from sleep rubbing my eyes as the  stopped, I can't believe I fell asleep, if my jerk of a husband at least talked to me I wouldn't have fell asleep. " where are we " I asked yawning. " in hell " he replied getting out of the car as I stared at him. This going to be a hell of a marriage indeed. I came down from the car and stared at the big mansion am in, the house is very big that one can get lost in this house without knowing. It would take me months to get to know everywhere in this house.

Jamal and I entered the house , as the workers greeted us and made their way outside to take our luggage in. " the maid would lead you to the master bedroom upstairs " he said gesturing with his hands. Why is he telling me won't he follow me to our room. " and you where would you sleep " I asked staring at him as he walked away.

He could at least answered me. Am tolerating this rubbish because of my ill dad, if not I would have slapped some sense into him a long time ago. After the maid leaded me to my big or should I say huge room, I rushed to the bathroom to ease my self. I've been pressed in the car , but I couldn't open my eyes to tell my so called husband.

I removed my weeding dress and got dressed in my transparent night gown, since I would be home alone today I can wear this. After speaking to dad on the phone and lied to him , saying my husband is very sweet and loving . I mean my dad is ill and me telling him about Jamal's behavior towards me in our 3 hours marriage could make his health more worse.

Later in the night I felt hungry, I haven't eaten anything since the wedding. I crawled down the bed and tip toed , round the house searching for the kitchen. Then I see one door slightly open dim light illuminating from the room. I walked in and switched on the light and I can't believe my eyes, how could he do this to me ??

Sorry guys for the cliffhanger😂😂😂😝. Vote, comment and share


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