Twenty - five

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I couldn't sleep due to the thing that happened earlier with Jamal and his mistress. I spent most of my day crying and thinking of how fucked up my life is.

I stared at the ceiling as I realized that am not in my husbands room, another woman is sleeping with my husband. And am here In the visitors room. I crawled out of the bed and went straight to my closet, I need to get out to this house to get some fresh air.

I thugged my nightgown over my head, idly tossing it on the floor.

I grabbed the first item of clothing my eyes fixed on. Pulling on a pair of blue skinny jeans and read polo shirt. I didn't bother with socks as I slipped in my black sneakers.

Then walking out of the closet I stopped in the middle of the room.

I realized I am pregnant and shouldn't leave my house in the middle of the night.

Fuck it .

I shock my head and picked up my iPod on the bed then leaving my room.

I quietly made my way downstairs to the living room as I grabbed my hijab on the couch then left the house.

I made my way down the driveway, nestling my hand in the pockets of my jeans. As Ed sherran:- perfect , played in the speakers in my ear.

I just want to get some fresh air and clear my head.

There was lights up by where the buildings were. I saw shadows of someone as I got scared for a moment then continued walking.just one or two streets lamps that were dim when the figure came out, I made the assumptions it was Amar , by the dark skin and long black leather jacket.

I continued walking once I was less than a foot away I could definitely tell it was him.

I stuffed my earphones in my pocket , my music being paused a minute ago.

He looked at me as he stood in the middle of the road, a cigarette in between his full pale pink lips.

" well, well what do we have here " he said with a small smile as he took the cigarette in his hands , his Hausa accent being more pleasant than I can remember.

I couldn't help the cynical smile that came onto my face, glancing away from him for a moment.

" my Queen, is out for a little midnight stroll. Should I bow ?" He said mockingly

I shook my head at him. " what are you doing here, Amar ?"

" shouldn't I be the one asking you that ? I'm a man, am come out every night to have a smoke. But you are a lady, and pregnant for that matter " he said staring at my stomach

" well , I was just out for a stroll to clear my head " I replied

He nodded " so what's bothering that head of yours queen ?"

" um nothing really just .. "

" love problems? " he inquired

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