Fifty - two

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" I don't know if it's cheating or not, but my conscience won't let me leave in peace " I said.

He didn't say a word instead he stood up and made his way back upstairs. Aisha walked back into the living room as she gave me that what happened look.

" I told him " I whispered, as she sat close to me.

" and ?"

" he didn't say a word, that's what bothers me " I said

" don't worry babe everything would be alright " Aisha said hugging me " I have to go , it's getting late " she said pulling from the hug.

I escorted her outside to her car , I then did my final goodbye to her before walking back into the house. I climbed the stairs one by one , as I cleared my mind for the task at hand. I breathed deeply before I finally opened the door.

I walked in and shut the door as I stared at Jamal who was pacing up and down in the room.
I walked up to him as he stared at me, the look on his face can't tell me if he is upset with me or not.

" why Ameerah " he whispered . " why do you have to do this to me " he yelled as I fell on the bed in shear fear.

" he kissed me first, I didn't expect him to and ever since then I couldn't forgive myself "

" lies, lies , that's what you know how to do. That's what you've been saying to me ever since we got married pure lies" he yelled

" that's not true Jamal " I said in tears

" I loved you Ameerah, I thought you were different , different from everyone different from them all , but today you showed me that I was wrong, I am wrong for expecting love from you. You girls are all the same "

" I didn't cheat Jamal he just kissed me and I stopped him I swear "

" he just kissed me " his wry voice dripped with sarcasm. " a married woman kissing
someone, even if it wasn't intentional what does that mean you whore "

His words felt like someone just shoot me straight on the heart.

" no , please don't call me that " I begged in tears

" get out, get the fuck out on my room before I do something bad " Jamal yelled as hajiya and zainab walked in.

" what's going on here " hajiya asked as Jamal walked out of the room.

" you idiot what did you do this time around " zainab insulted

Right now I don't have her time, she can insult me all she wants I don't care. I shouldn't have listened to Aisha , I shouldn't have listen to her stupid and useless advice.

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