Twenty - eight

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[ HOME ]

I sat in my room eating chocolate as the thoughts of my dad came in my head. What's up with him, Jamal and I greeted him this morning but he didn't say a word to us.

I think something is bothering him. I should go talk to him , then tell him that his gonna be a grandfather. I left my room and went to my dads room but didn't find him there. I quickly rushed to Jamal's room , to see if dad is with him.

" hey Jamal have you seen baba " I asked worriedly

" no "

" oh you mean that old hag man , I sent him to the boysquaters. My friends are coming over soon and I don't want them to see that local dad of yours" zainab said .

That's it I've heard enough from this bitch. How dare she walk into my house and chase my dad out. Enough is enough today I would put this bitch in her place . I would fucking put her in her place.

" how dare you call my dad a old hag " I yelled slapping her as Jamal backed me up.

" zainab how dare you? I would want you to know that you stay in this house because of Ameerah and no one else " Jamal scolded.

This not what I want to hear him say to this crazy lady. If it was me he would have slapped me or beaten my ass up by now, so why is everything different with her.

" how dare you slap me you bitch " zainab yelled as Jamal slapped her

I stared at him shockingly.

" don't you dare insult her ever in you miserable life you monster " Jamal yelled as he pulled me out of the room. " come on let's go bring your dad back " he said as we both went downstairs and out of the front door.

Jamal and I made our way to the boysquaters as we knocked on the door but no reply. We tried to unlock it but couldn't, dad locked himself up in the room and isn't answering our call.

" baba Dan Allah ka bude koffan ( dad please open the door )" I cried but to no answering .

The security brought the spare keys to the boysquaters as I saw my dad laying on the floor unconscious.

" baba , baba " I cried shaking him but he didn't wake up.

Nothing should happen to my dad , I would die if anything happens to him. Jamal and the security picked him up as they kept him the car and we made our way to the hospital.

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