Fourty - one

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Morning 🌔💫


The alarm on my phone woke me up from sleep, as I groaned then switched off the phone before going back to sleep. I would love to sleep, sleep, and sleep. But I couldn't, I remember what day it was as I quickly crawled out of bed went to the bathroom and did my usual morning routine.

Today is my appointment at the hospital, today I would get to know if am expecting a baby girl or boy. Maybe twins who knows. I opened my closet and picked up dark blue high waist skirt, to match with my light blue top. I had my palm slippers on, and picked up my white veil to go with it.

I picked up my favorite handbag which is my Gucci hand bag and dipped my phone in it before going downstairs. I smelled something, it was as if something was burning in the kitchen. I quickly rushed to the kitchen to check what was burning as I saw Jamal standing Infront of the toaster with his finger in his mouth.

Could he have hurt himself?.

I switched off the toaster as I walked up to him, and removed his hand from his mouth. Yah yah I was right he burnt himself with the hot toaster.

" what has gotten into you , look how you injured yourself " I scolded as I dipped his finger into my mouth.

I stared at him and saw him smiling as I pulled his finger out of my mouth. Could he have dipped the finger into his butt or nose?

" why are you laughing " I questioned as he rubbed my cheeks

" I just love it when you care about me " he stated as I smiled before walking over to the cupboard and picked up the first aid kit

Thank goodness he didn't do rubbish with the finger .

" I wonder why you  would toast a bread when you don't know how to ?" I asked as I picked up the plaster and cotton wool out of the first aid kit, and walking over to him

" I wanted to make you breakfast " he said a little bit low as I burst into laughter

" you. Jamal Mohammad, making breakfast " I said laughing as he pouted his mouth .

After fixing the plaster and cottonwool on his burnt finger , I opened the toaster as I stared at the most ugliest but lovable breakfast.

" is this a toasted bread or a roasted bread " I teased as he served me breakfast

The  taste of the bread makes me wanna vomit .

" do you like it " he asked in curiosity as I forced the bread down my throat.

" yah, I love it " I lied as he kissed me.

" thanks " he said " so where are you going to all dressed up like a queen?" He asked

" to the hospital, today is my Eco scan " I said as Jamal hit his forehead with his palm.

" I've totally forgotten, wait for me in the living room while I quickly get dressed " he said running out of the kitchen as I went to the living room and sat on the vouch waiting for Jamal.

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