Twenty - nine

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The doctor has been in the ward for too long. I just want to know if my dad is alright or not. Right now I can't think straight, dad can't do this to me. He is the only one I have left in this world, he can't die on me.

" daddy please don't leave me " I cried as Jamal hugged me. " he can't leave me " I cried as the doctor came making us break from our hug.

" please sir I would like to see you in my office " the doctor said as Jamal kissed me on my forehead before leaving with the doctor.

I wonder what the doctor wants to tell him?. I just pray it's a good news. I would fucking beat zainab to death if anything happens to my dad. I've tolerated Jamal because of my dad. I got married to him because of my dad, I tolerated his beatings and insults because of my dad.

I allowed her to sleep in my husbands room, because she threatened to tell my dad the breaking news. How dare she send my dad to the boysquaters, immediately dad gets better I would teach her a lesson she would never forget.

" Jamal's POV "

The doctor told me that alhaji Kabir was already dead before he was brought to the hospital. Fuck it. Why must it be Ammerah, I don't want to be the one to break the news to her. All this its zainab's fault.

Curses. I don't want to face her right now, I should call tijanni to come over to the hospital. I went to the reception to meet Ameerah was I wiped my teary eyes.

" what's wrong, what did the doctor tell you " she asked worriedly

" your dad is fine "

" good , can we atleast see him ?" She asked

" no , the doctor said you should go home and get some rest while I stay here and pay some bills" I managed to lie as she kinda believed me.

I escorted Ameerah outside the hospital, as I watched her entering the car and drived out of the hospital. I picked up my phone and called up tijanni to come meet me at the hospital.

A/N. 😭😭😭. Alhaji Kabir is dead, I don't know how Ameerah would take it when the news is finally out but I know it won't be okay.

Also I want you guys to say something about zainab aka: zee baby. You guys are free to insult her 😤.

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❤️ HARASH...

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