Thirty - two

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" Jamal's POV "

The doctor came over to check Ameerah.

" she's alright she just needs some rest and less stress " the doctor said

" come on , I would escort you out " tijanni said escorting the doctor out as I sat beside Ammerah on the bed.

I just don't know what to do, I want to be the one she sees when she wakes up. I want her to tell me all what she blurted out was out of anger and that she loves me.

I want to hug and tell her how much I love and also regret everything that has been happening in our life's. I know she won't forgive me, she loved her dad so much and now he's dead . I cried out as Aisha hugged me. " calm down , you can't cry beside her she can wake up anytime from now " she said

Tijanni walked in and handed a piece of paper. " the security said alhaji Kabir wanted Ameerah alone to read the paper " tijanni said handing me the piece of paper as I stuck it in my pocket.

We need to inform her family members about the death of her dad tijanni said as I handed Aisha , Ameerah's phone to make the phone calls. As tijanni and Aisha left the room.

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