Twenty - one

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I woke up in the morning and saw Jamal staring at me with a smile on his face. " morning beautiful " he said kissing me softly on my lips as I smiled. " last night was the most beautiful day of my life " he added as I covered my my face with the sheets.

Before i know what's happening he started tickling me all over my body as I laughed animatedly. " stop " I said hitting him with a pillow as he dogged it.

" if you keep on laughing like this I would have no other choice but to go for a round two " he said bitting his lips as I giggled. " I need to shower " I said crawling out of the bed as Jamal followed.

" are you going somewhere " he asked as I nodded

" yes baby, am going to my fathers house to get his remaining clothes " I said as he folds his hand.

" is your dad moving in, you didn't tell me about this " he said

" am sorry "

" it's cool , so what about your step mum? "

" she left , she left my dad because he is now jobless and a weak man " I said shutting my eyes closed as he hugged me.

" chill babe , everything would be fine " he said as I smiled and pulled away from the hug. And ran into the bathroom before he catches me and locked the door.

" I will get you " he yells as I giggled.

" Jamal's POV "

Last night was the most beautiful and unforgettable day of my life. Thinking of how badly have treated Ameerah, and how much I used to hate makes me wanna stab myself.

She's so beautiful, smart, big hearted, calm lady. And that's the kind of person I wanna spend the rest of my life with. I know the things I've done to her is unforgettable and would take sometimes to forget it, but still yet I wanna shout it from the roof top how badly I love her.

But still yet I don't know how she would react if she knows the truth about my mistress and I. She would leave me if she finds out our secret and I can't live without her.

A/N . What secret could Jamal be talking about. Stick around and find out

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