Thirty - six

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I stayed in my room for two days , and didn't step out of the door. The maid brings food for me anytime am hungry. Jamal walked into the room and raised the curtains as the brightness of the sun shined bright into my eyes.

" close the curtains, close the fucking curtains " i yelled as he did just as I said and switched on the lights.

" what's wrong with you Ameerah ?, you can't lock yourself up in the room for two days " he warned as I covered my head with pillow not wanting to listen to the nonsense he would want to say.

" leave me alone " I groaned as he removed the pillow off my head making me sit up on the bed.

" you've changed Ameerah, you are now rude, arrogant and very annoying " he said as I rolled my eyes

" are you done?  , please get out " I said

" I just thought you were different "

" different from who ?" I asked him confusedly as he sighed

" from everyone. From zainab for instance "

Hearing her name alone makes me wanna stab her to death.

" don't you dare compare me to that bitch " I yelled

" then stop giving me a reason to "

" you claim to hate her and she's still sleeping in your room" I questioned

" and how do you know. You've been in your room 247 for the past two days, zainab is in the boysquaters that's where she stays now " Jamal said as I looked at him confusedly.

Is he telling me the truth, or is this another lie he cooked up.

" Please Ameerah come back to our room, stay with me I need you " he said as I nodded

Am not going back to that room because I've forgiven him. Am going back because I have a mission to accomplish.

" ok. On one condition "

" what condition is that " Jamal asked

" I want zainab back into this house " I stated as Jamal raised his eyebrows

" what ?, but why ?" He questioned

" no question just bring her back " I said as he nodded.

They've done so many things to me for the past few months . I would teach zainab a lesson, I would show her what am made of .

" oh , before I forget your dad asked the security to give you this paper before he died " jamal said handing me the piece of paper as tears formed in my eyes.

A/N. Hey readers what could be Ameerah's motive?. Stick around to find out 😝😂😘.

Also I don't like silent readers, please comment. Tell me what you think of this chapter, and that alone would bring a smile to HARASH face.

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