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1 week later

Vacation at Dubai 🚀..


I stared at my lovely daughter and beautiful wife in the water smiling, snapping with the Dolphins. God blessed me with the most beautiful family ever and I took them for granted.

I tortured Ameerah, I hit her, threw curses at her, bring another woman into the house, shared our wedding nights with another woman, I never treated her like a wife or gave her the joy and happiness she deserves as a wife, but she still stood by my side and fulfilled her duties as a wife.

I thought she would leave me after my accident which cost me my leg, but she didn't instead she loved me more and took care of me. She has never complained once .

I thought she would leave me or get tired of me after all what I've done to her in the past but she didn't. I got married to her with a bad intention, intention of making her life miserable but still she still stood their by my side.

Now I can't walk , am here stuck in this wheel chair alone. I think it's Gods punishment towards me. God wants to show me how foolish and wicked I was to my wife and I have seen it.

" yes , you are right you were a fool then " tijjani said tapping my shoulder as we both burst into laughter.

" I was a fool " I sighed

" a big one bro "

" daddy I want to pee " Sofia said jumping up and down in her wet body .

" come here I would take you " tijjani said as they both left.

" so do you like the whether " Ameerah asked as I stared at her wet flawless skin.

" am sorry "

" come on we are here for vacation please don't ruin it by bringing back the past " she said with a smile . " so where would we do our next vacation " she asked .

" where do you want to do it " I asked

" Paris, it has been my dream to visit Paris " she said

" it's done , we would be going to Paris " I said as she clapped in excitement.

" we are back"  tijjani said

" let's take a picture " Aisha suggested as we all gathered around for a picture.

And when no one was looking Ameerah gave me a warm sweet kiss on the lip .

" I love you " she said

" I love you too"


END ....

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