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"This weekend can't get here fast enough!" Mo complains.

"Chill." I tell her with a laugh. "This is my stop."

"Okay. Try to have fun in math. Maybe you'll get to suck Harry's dick or something."

"Okay, that's enough." I push Mo to the side and laugh.

"Bye, I love you!"

"I love you, too." I tell her before walking into the room. I take my seat in the back and glance over at Harry, who's already sitting in his seat, phone in hand.

"We're doing group work again today." The teacher announces and I sigh. "Since it's the same lesson, work with the same group from last time."

If we do group work more than once in one lesson, which we usually don't, she has us work with the same group as before. Why? I'm not sure, but now I'm sitting here worried because that means Harry will be in my group. How do I focus with a beautiful piece of art sitting in front of me?

"Harry, go find your group." The teacher tells him when he makes no move to get up.

"Who was I working with last time?" Of course he doesn't remember. He's too cool for us, I guess.

"Well, how should I know? Who was working with Harry last time!?" She calls out to the class and I notice Harry sigh and put his head in his hand out of embarrassment. I feel you, dude.

"Me!" Tasha raises her hand high in the air, and I look up to the corner of the room as if I'm a character in The Office.

Harry sighs before standing up and walking toward Tasha. She brings him to our table and the guy from before sits beside me again. Harry ends up across from me once again, and Tasha next to him.

"So, Harry, my best friend is having this party over the weekend." Tasha tells him with a smile.

"Yeah, I've heard."

"Sara's party?"


"Oh, cool! Will I see you there?"

"Probably." He slightly glances at her before looking back down at his paper.

"Cool! We should meet up." Harry just shrugs at this and I look away from secondhand embarrassment for the girl. "Do you have a Snapchat?"

"I don't really use it." Harry crosses his arms over his chest and leans back in his chair. I keep my hands in my lap and watch the scene unfold.

"Oh. Well, what is it?"

"Why do you want it, I don't even use it." He looks at me then looks at a wall behind me, clearly trying to look anywhere but at her. Maybe he's gay?

"Well, I just thought, you know, friends usually have each other's Snapchats!" She tries to be cheery.

"Sorry, do I know you?" I look away once he says the words he said to me and Mo. I want to laugh, but I guess it'd be rude.

"I'm Tasha." Harry nods. "If you ever want anyone to show you around or anything, since you're new, or if you need a friend..." She trails off.

"I have some friends, and I'm getting around just fine, thanks." The annoyance in his voice is becoming much clearer, and now I'm on the verge of taking back my statement that he's actually 'pretty nice.'

"Oh. Well. Still." She smiles and Harry nods and rolls his eyes.

Woah there, bud.

I'll give him a break, she was being pretty annoying.

About twenty minutes in, Tasha speaks up again.

"Harry, do you get number 34?"

"Does it look like I do?" He asks and waves his hand at his blank sheet of paper. I silently laugh, but regret it when he looks at me and then looks away, making me feel awkward and embarrassed for even laughing.

The guy next to me speaks up to help Tasha, even though she clearly just wanted an excuse to talk to Harry.

When the bell rings, I make my way to Mo's locker.

"Anything interesting in math?" She asks, opening her locker. I already know she means Harry.

"No." I shrug. "Tasha was all over him, but he clearly wanted nothing to do with her."

"He wants nothing to do with anybody." She plainly says, still messing with her books.

"What if he's gay?"

"I don't get a gay vibe from him." She shrugs. I roll my eyes at her comment.

"Anyway, I know I said he was pretty nice before, but I think he's kind of a dick."

"Well, what do you expect when he's hanging around Terrence's crowd?" She says in a simple tone, unlike the Mo that's usually enthusiastic.

"I guess, yeah." Mo shuts her locker and we walk to her car.

"Maybe he's just irritated about getting tackled by every girl here." Mo shrugs and I agree.

"Still wanna go out to eat?" Mo asks. We had planned to go out for lunch yesterday.

"Yeah, of course." I get into the car and we drive off. "You okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're just acting different."

"No, I'm not." She shrugs.

"I know you too well to not know when something's up."

"It's just my brother." She shrugs.

"Grant? What'd he do?" I laugh. Her brother is one year older than us. He's a senior and goes to our school. I've known him since I met her basically, and he's always giving her some kind of trouble. Nothing too seriously, though, usually.

"Nothing." She shakes her head.

"Okay." I say hesitantly. "But if you wanna talk about it, I'm here."

"I know." She says, and that's that. We continue to drive in silence, which is so not us. She always tells me when something's up. Always.

Which leads me to believe that it has something to do with me, as much as I hope it doesn't.

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