forty four

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I'm unlocking my locker when I feel a poke on my side. I look to my right to see Harry walking beside another guy. He looks back at me slightly with a smile. I roll my eyes. He knows I'm ticklish.

I continue opening my locker with a smile on my face.

"Are you in love with your locker or something." I hear a bored voice that belongs to none other than my bored-looking best friend.

My smile fades into a softer one as I lock eyes with her. She's lazily leaning against the lockers next to mine.

"His name's Alejandro." I say softly. I can see every ounce of her energy going into not laughing. She, however, fails. She lets out a quick laugh.

"Well, can I at least be the Maid of Honor?" She stands up straight as tears start to form in her eyes.

"You can be the groom, just as long as you're there." I let a couple tears fall as I hug her. Then I think about how this is so us. We make up over a conversation about me marrying my locker. I smile at the thought.

"You're so pretty when you cry." I laugh, wiping my own tears.

"I am, huh?" She laughs through her crying. She changes her facial expression and wipes her tears. "I'm still upset about what happened."

"I don't blame you." I say, more serious now.

"But I still miss my best friend." She says softly.

"I'll make it up to you." I promise.

"I know you will." She smiles. "Because I really like Taco Bell." She holds in a laugh.


"His name is Johnny, which is really funny because it's such a basic name." Mo explains to me about this guy she's been talking to. We're at lunch now, sitting at our normal table. Just like before.

"He sounds wonderful."

"He is, actually. Terrence looks like a toe compared to him." I burst out laughing. "Okay but...I don't know when I came to this realization, but doesn't Terrence kinda look the Wendy's girl? Like the food place?"

"Oh my gosh...." I whisper as I look at Terrence, who's sitting at his usual table. "He does!" My eyebrows raise. I totally see it. "That's crazy." I shake my head. I flinch when I feel two hands grab my waist from behind. I look back to see Harry behind me. He flashes me his award-winning smile and slides onto the spot next to me, sitting sideways so that he's facing me.

"Hey, love. Mo." He acknowledges Mo's presence. Mo's face is pure shock and confusion. Harry moves to whisper in my ear. "Did you not tell her about me?" Goosebumps rise when I feel his breath on my neck, but I try to ignore it and shake my head. "Anybody?"

"No. Sorry, is that rude?" I whisper back. He gives me a serious expression before growing a smile.

"Is it rude?" He raises his eyebrows. "No." He laughs and momentarily closes his eyes.

"Wait." Mo speaks up.

"Noelle and I are just great friends." Harry clarifies. What even are we? Are we friends with benefits? No, we don't do anything but kiss. Are we dating? No, we haven't made it official. Are we just friends? No, friends don't kiss.

"Oh." Mo nods.

"I'll explain later." I whisper to her.

"I heard that." Harry speaks up. Dammit. He winks at me and I sigh. "Well then, Mo, if your best friend here is to tell you, then grab the popcorn. You'll be here for a while." I purse my lips.

"I'll see you later, Sunshine." Harry says quietly before shoving my shoulder and getting up with a grin. I try to hold back the smile but fail.

"Spill." Mo raises her eyebrows.

"Can I come over today after school?"

"Not a good idea." She shakes her head.

"Why?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Grant." She says lowly. "He's literally doing drugs. I'm trying to help him out, it's not helping. He's kinda like...depressed right now."


"It's not exactly because you're not with him. He's kinda in love with you but...a big reason is because he just hates himself right now. How he got drunk and like forced himself on you. How he disrespected you after the fact and everything. He just feels like an idiot, which he should! But yeah. He's a mess."

"Damn." I look down at the ground. "Poor Grant."

"Yeah. I hate how he treated you and how he was doing shit behind my back. Like falling in love with you." She rolls her eyes. "But he's my brother, you know? I don't like seeing him so sad all the time. Like what if he tries to..." She trails off. "Hurt himself?" She says quieter.

"Just don't let him think that's the only way out. Talk to him."

"Yeah." She gives me a sad smile. "It'll all work out." She shrugs.

"And I'm here through every bit of it." I smile and put my arm around her shoulders, glad to have her back.

teenage dirtbag • h.s.Where stories live. Discover now