thirty one

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Harry hasn't spoken to me. It's been two weeks. I don't blame him; I fucked up.

"Group work!" My math teacher calls. I sigh and close my eyes. I put my head on my desk. I hear a heavy sigh and feel the desk across from me shake against mine. I look up and see-

not Harry.

"Hey. I'm Sammy." The guy gives a wide smile real quick before letting it go.

"Noelle." I nod lazily.

"Cool. You're cute."

"And you're straight-forward." He laughs at this.

"Girls love a man who gets straight to the point."

"A man?" I narrow my eyes and turn my head to the side slightly.

"Well played." He nods and narrows his eyes. "Where's your group?"

"Don't have one." I shrug.

"Now who wouldn't want to choose you as a partner." I just shrug.

"Apparently everybody in this room." I joke and nod.

"Minus me." He smiles and winks. I laugh. He's not gorgeous, but he's not bad. Not bad at all.

"Minus you. I guess."

"You guess?" He narrows his eyes.

"I think we should be doing work." I nod with slightly squinted eyes.

"I think we should...not." He reaches over and closes my book. I chuckle. "Why have I not noticed you in this class all year?"

"I'm not sure. Why haven't I noticed you?" I ask truthfully. Oh, I know why. I've been too occupied with Harry.

"Okay, okay. Fine. You have fire. I like that." He points at me.

"Thank you." I nod my head once. I've never had someone tell me that I have fire, let alone actually have it.

We go through the rest of the class period mostly just talking and ignoring the other two students that the teacher forced into our group.

Sammy walks out with me.

"So..." He says as I open up my locker. "Let me get those...digits." He smirks and nods.

"You're a bit of a dork." I laugh.

"I hope you like dorks."

"We'll see." I keep my eyes focused on my locker. I shut it closed and find his phone dangling in front of me. I laugh and shake my head, but take his phone and enter my number.

"Thank you, Noelle. I will talk to you later." He gives another wide smile and walks away. I smile and walk to seventh period. I don't always have a bunch of guys approach me, and I feel like I got lucky. Sammy's nice and makes me laugh, and now I notice how I didn't even look for Harry once while talking to him.


"Noelle. Let me take you out." Sammy says, walking up next to me a few days later. He's been finding times in between classes to talk to me, actually making an effort to get to know me.

"When? And where?"

"Right now. And to a diner that I think is really good and that I think you'd think is really good."

"Right now, hm?"

"Yes, right now. You don't have a choice either." He gives me his infamous wide smile.

"Fine." I shrug and laugh.

hey Mo, don't need a ride today

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