twenty eight

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I scramble to pick up my shirt from the floor and pull it over my head, facing my back to the door. I bring my feet up to the bed and rest my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands. I am so embarrassed. Now what's Anne gonna think of me?

"You weren't supposed to be home." Harry speaks up.

"So you throw a party? Harry..."

"It's New Year's. You expect me to sit home and do nothing like I always do?"

"That's not what you always do, Harry." Anne's voice becomes more stern, a side of her I haven't witnessed. "What you always do is party, and mess around with some girl just to come home and ignore us all! And here you are again! Once again! Taking advantage of some girl!" I feel like I'm gonna cry at the new nickname: some girl. I've already lost her respect. Who the hell am I? Why did I do this.

"First of all, I'm not taking advantage of anyone-" Harry fires back in an angry voice.

"You are! Because I know very well that every person in this house is drunk-"

"She's not drunk! I'm not drunk! And she's not some girl either!"

I almost snap my head up at that. I'm not just some girl? I can't tell if that's what he truly thinks of me, or if he's just mad at his mom.

"You loved her just last week, what's different now? You should be happy!"

"What!? I don't even know-" Anne pauses. Oh great. She didn't even see me. Now this is about to get even more awkward.

"You seriously didn't even see her, nice."


"Mum, let's not make this any more embarrassing than it needs to be." They both pause before Harry says a simple, "Yeah." Great, now they're communicating so that I can't hear. I'm sure my cheeks are bright red right now.

"I apologize." Anne says. "But Harry, can we please talk about this party?" She asks in a calmer tone and I hear the door close. I feel her sit down on the bed.

"No." Anne sighs and stands up. "Why are you even home." Harry says more than asks.

"Well, I'm sorry that you're so disappointed to see me. I just wanted to be with my son on New Year's." I hear Anne's voice crack before the opening and closing of the door. Poor Anne. Now I feel even worse. While she was trying to get closer to her son, I was over here shoving my tongue down his throat, stopping that from happening.

"She's gone, you know." Harry speaks up.

"I know." I say quietly. When he doesn't say anything more, I stand up. "Sorry." I mumble and walk toward the door.


"I don't wanna be involved with fucking up your relationship with your mom." I place my hand on the doorknob.

"It's not you that she's mad about. She loves you." Harry runs a hand down his face. "There's more to it, trust me." He sighs.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask, hesitation in my voice. He slightly shakes his head, staring at a wall. I can already see a bit of a glisten in his eyes, caused by tears forming. I've never seen Harry even close to crying, and it breaks my heart. He notices that I can tell, and starts talking.

"She just always finds a way to make me feel like shit, you know?" He let's his voice crack and a few tears fall. I don't hesitate to walk over the bed and sit down next to him. He looks deep in thought, eyebrows scrunched up and all.

"She just wants a relationship with you. She loves you." I try to give my most gently voice. I hesitate for a moment before gently placing my hand on his upper arm. Harry squeezes his eyes shut and lets more tears fall. I swallow the lump in my throat. Watching Harry cry hurts me more than I thought it ever could.

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