thirty eight

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"Why are you standing here all alone?" Terrence approaches me in his kitchen.  We're at another party, and Mo went off to dance. It's at Terrence's house this time, for the first time ever, and his house is crazy gorgeous. It's huge. Literally a mansion.

"Mo's off dancing and...she's my person." I laugh and so does he.

"Do you want a drink?" He offers.

"I usually don't drink much." I shrug.

"There's some of that Mike's Hard Lemonade in the cooler, it's not as extreme."

"Where is the cooler?" I ask with a slight laugh.

"It's in that bedroom right over there."

"Why is it in a bedroom?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"That's the guest room and if the kitchen counters get ruined with spilt drinks, I'm dead."

"Got it." I laugh and nod. I make my way down the hall and to the room. I open the door to be greeted with a lovely scene on top of the bed.

A very pretty girl sat on top of the one and only Harry Styles.

"Just getting a drink." I put my hands up in defense and walk toward the cooler, trying to look casual as possible.

"No worries, hun, don't mind us! Sorry!" The girl laughs but is friendly nonetheless. I return a small laugh, avoiding looking at Harry, and shut the door behind me.

Smart move, Harry. Fuck a girl in the room with all the drinks. I grip onto the Mike's Hard Lemonade as I walk out of the hallway. I'm sure my face is very red right now as I make my way back to the kitchen.

It was just a few days ago that Harry told me we'd look cute together. It was just a few days ago that Harry basically admitted to not wanting me with another guy. It was just over a week ago when we literally wrote a song together.

Fuck him. I should've known this would happen.

I spot Sammy on the couch and make my way over there. Two can play at that game, dickhead.

"Hey, Noelle." He smiles wide when he sees me. I give a smile back and sit next to him. I need to get over Harry anyway. Maybe Sammy will be good for me.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask Sammy.

"Just hanging, the guys wanna play truth or dare or spin the bottle or something, but there weren't enough girls. They brought some over here but haven't started yet, I don't know why." He chuckles.

"Let's play." I smile.

"Okay, what game?" Sammy asks a little louder.

"Truth or dare?" One guy suggests.

"So basic." I shake my head in disapproval.

"Suck and blow!" Another guy shouts. I laugh.

"You don't have to if you don't want." Sammy tells me with a worried smile.

"I want to." I nod and smile. They bring over a small piece of paper and start on the opposite side. I'm stuck sitting next to some random person on my left, but luckily Sammy's on my right. I've never played before so I hope it's not too hard.

But what if I drop the paper between Sammy and I? On purpose...

Maybe if I kiss him, I'll realize that kissing other people can feel good too. I won't feel the need to be upset over Harry. I can be happy with Sammy.

The paper comes my way and I successfully get it between the guy to my left and accidentally drop it before it gets to Sammy.

"Dammit." I mutter.

Wow, I really suck at this game.

"You don't have to if you don't-" Sammy starts but I cut him off.

"Shut up, it's the game." I smile slightly before leaning in quickly.

Ripping off the band-aid quick, I don't hesitate to press my lips to his. His lips are indeed soft, and he's gentle with it,  despite me being not so gentle with it. My stomach is burning, and I tell myself that it's because it feels good. I tell myself that it's because of my feelings for him. That it's because I want this. In the back of my mind, I picture Harry walking into the room like he would if this was a movie. But when I pull away from the kiss, he's nowhere to be seen.

Sammy gives me a slight smirk and a tilted head before we continue with he game. I open my drink and drink much more than I should in just a few seconds. I start to feel more and more sick as each second passes, and not being able to pinpoint the exact reason, I gulp down more of the drink.

I stand up before the paper reaches me again and find my way to the kitchen. I swallow the remainder of my drink and set the bottle on the counter, lazily dropping my head in my hand.

"Want another one?" Terrence asks. I nod and smile. "Coming right up." I'm just a bit buzzed, considering the Mike's Hard Lemonade isn't something to get me drunk after one drink. But I can feel myself start to feel slightly tingly. Probably due to how quickly I drank the bottle. And maybe it has something to do with the fact that I've never been drunk before.

Terrence comes back and hands me a bottle. I immediately open it and chug down at least a quarter of it.

"Slow down, tiger." He laughs at me as he leans his forearm on the counter. I shrug.

"Don't tell me what to do." I throw my head back and drink some more.

"Alright, so quiet girl's got some party in her. Gotta say, I'm surprised."

"I'm full of surprises." I say without thinking. To shut myself up, I chug more of the drink.

Most of the night, I spend my time drinking more and more, losing count of how much I've actually had. Terrence has stuck by me throughout the night, and at this point, I have no idea what I'm even doing. I know what I'm doing, but somehow can't stop myself from doing it. I'm wasted for the first time in my life, and the only word to describe it is weird. Terrence is drunk as well, which makes it a bit more fun, and I never once thought that I'd actually enjoy myself around Terrence.

"Noel, Noel! Noel! Noel!!" Terrence sings with his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I laugh. "Born is the Noelle of Terrence's house!" He sings, making absolutely no sense, but we're both cracking up nonetheless. "Merry Christmas!" He yells to me. "I have a Santa hat! Watch!" We're both drowning in hysterical laughter as we make our way to his room. For some reason, I can't stop laughing and I'm holding my stomach as I walk in.

Terrence goes to a drawer in his room and pulls out a literal Santa hat, pulling it on his head. I stay with my back against the door.

"Noel! Noel!" He starts singing again and laughing.

"You're an idiot!" I laugh harder and wipe tears from my eyes due to the constant laughing. "Okay, okay, I'm good." I catch my breath and stop laughing.

"No you're not. Watch." He says walking up to me. "You're gonna start laughing again in 3, 2...1!" I indeed do start laughing again and hit his chest with my hands.

"Stop!" I whine.

"I can't help it, I'm a stand up comedian!"

"You're not that funny!"

"Prove it." He says and looks at me with raises eyebrows and wide eyes. I laugh at the face. "See! I'm so good!"

"You suck!" I laugh.

"Hey!" He pushes my shoulder, laughing. "Stop laughing!"

"Don't order me around!" I furrow my eyebrows and push my finger to his chest.

"Stop laughing!" He mocks me.

"Make me!" I get in his face.

And the rest is history.

teenage dirtbag • h.s.Where stories live. Discover now