forty nine

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"Uh! Kevin G!" Sammy and I fake moan as we walk through the halls to our next classes. We end with a laugh.

"Okay, that's like, the best scene in the entire movie." I say, wiping a tear from laughing so hard.

"The best character. Don't @ me." Sammy puts his hands up in defense.

"Right?" I laugh.

"What class do you have next?" Sammy asks.

"Dude, we have the same class."

"Oh, shit, that's right." He looks like his mind has been blown. "My favorite class of the day." He smiles sweetly.

"This isn't a rom-com." I roll my eyes and shove his arm.

"It can be." He winks before laughing. We make our way to our separate seats, and my eyes find their way to Harry's, who is clearly not pleased with me walking in with Sammy. It was only last week when Harry decided that he could see other girls because we weren't exclusive. What a jerk.

"Group work today!" Our beloved math teacher calls out halfway through class. I expect Harry to rush over to my desk, but he stays still. Instead I watch as Tasha makes her way to his desk. I shouldn't care anymore, but of course I still have feelings for him. As much as I hate him, I do feel just the opposite of that toward him. And I hate myself even more for it. But there's nothing I can do about it except get over him.

"Stop looking at him. You'll get pink eye." Sammy plops down next to me. I laugh at his joke.

"That was pretty good."

"Thanks." I glance over to Harry again to see Tasha running her hand down his arm. Harry seems bored but lets her touch him anyway. I roll my eyes and look away.

"Sorry." I say when I notice Sammy giving me a look of disapproval.

"I'm trying to look out for you! As your friend." He nods sincerely.

"Thanks, Sammy."

"Of course!"

"I don't even want him back anymore. I just wanna piss him off and make him hurt like he did to me."

"Ah, sweet sweet revenge." Sammy nods in approval. "I'd offer to help you make him jealous, but it might not be a good idea considering our previous circumstances." I furrow my eyebrows. "You know, since I was kinda trying to get with you at first. I don't want things to be weird."

"They wouldn't." I shrug as I watch Harry. I squint my eyes at him even though he's not looking our way at all.

"Well if you need me, you know where to find me." I slowly turn my head to Sammy.

"Right next to me?"

"Basically, yeah." He laughs.

"Okay.....but your idea's not half-bad. They do that shit in movies. It could work in real life too!"

"What? Making him jealous?"

"Yeah!" I smile. "Plus, we're such good friends now, it won't be weird." I give another smile.

"Noelle." He rolls his eyes before giving me a look.

"Nothing extreme, know. Like one of those fake dating things."

"Those usually don't end well."

"Yeah, in romance books. This isn't a romance book."

"Fine." He sighs. "What do I get out of it?"

"The pleasure of knowing you're a really great friend?" He shakes his head slowly.

"You kill me. Whatever." He laughs.

"Thanks!" I give him a hug and pull away. "Now what?"

"You came up with this!"

"No, you did! I agreed."

"Just start by holding hands or something? After class. Like in the hallways. It'd be weird holding hands while we're doing work in class."

"That's true."

After class, I grab onto Sammy's hand before he could even comprehend what I was doing. He was about to pull away but caught on, and readjusts his hand. We stop at my locker and I momentarily look back to see Harry walking the opposite way.

"We'll try this tomorrow." I laugh to Sammy.

"Sure thing."

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